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Finsbury Park Killing, Terrorist Attack, Hate Killing, Or Revenge Killing?

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anotheoldgit | 10:49 Fri 02nd Feb 2018 | News
56 Answers
This killing and attack on Muslims has been classed as a terrorist attack, is this to somehow equalise it with the real world wide terrorist attacks carried out in the name of Islam, so as to appease the Muslims in this country?


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Strangely enough I added the similarity towards the Irish when I was composing my post, but then reading through it before pressing the button, I thought that it was side tracking away from the problem of mass immigration of the followers of Islam.
AOG - // Strangely enough I added the similarity towards the Irish when I was composing my post, but then reading through it before pressing the button, I thought that it was side tracking away from the problem of mass immigration of the followers of Islam. //

It's not sidetracking at all - I am happy to agree with your logic that all Catholics are actually terrorists in waiting, so I am off to search my lovely wife's cupboards and drawers to see if she has any secret Semtex she has neglected to mention.
Question Author

/// or does that not count because they are native terrorists? ///

You will never change will you?

You can't have a polite debate without your need to have a parting snipe towards me can you?

And for your information, being an English man, they are not my 'Native' terrorists, they are Irish which if you took notice during your school day geography lessons, happens to be a separate island off the west coast of our fair island.
AH: "After all, if we are all lumping people in together on the basis of their origins, there's no reason why we should not expect ISIS to do the same - is there? " - quite, hence we are all infidels to be slain.
AOG - // andy-hughes

/// or does that not count because they are native terrorists? ///

You will never change will you?

You can't have a polite debate without your need to have a parting snipe towards me can you? //

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about!

If you can see a 'parting snipe' in what I have said, then it is located in your imagination only.

//And for your information, being an English man, they are not my 'Native' terrorists, they are Irish which if you took notice during your school day geography lessons, happens to be a separate island off the west coast of our fair island. //

I actually dropped Geography for History in the Fourth Year, but from my dim and distant memory, Northern Ireland was, and still is, part of the United Kingdom, and Belfast, where most of the terrorism took place, is slap bang in the middle of it.

They don't regard themselves as 'Irish' - probably best if you don't start re-assigning their ethnicity, it's something of a touchy subject!
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/// I would hate to think that any terrorist thinks that I am an Imperialist invading warmonger on the basis that I am white and British. ///

"Imperialist invading warmonger" wow!!!! now we know why you are a Muslim apologist, you even think like one.

Question Author

/// AOG- "Islamophobe" does not apply in this case, surely, as this implies the person had a fear of Islam? ///

Does that mean that all those running away from that Islamic terrorist attack in Manchester, were not just running scared, but they were all actually Islamophobics?
AOG - // AH

/// I would hate to think that any terrorist thinks that I am an Imperialist invading warmonger on the basis that I am white and British. ///

"Imperialist invading warmonger" wow!!!! now we know why you are a Muslim apologist, you even think like one. //

Consistency is an admirable trait, and over the years, I have come to rely on your consitency - in your ability to misunderstand a point being made to you.

The phrase 'Imperialist invading warmonger' demonstrates a potential attitude from a terrorist towards any innocent white British person - including me - it is not my definition of who I am, or who the British are as a nation.

But the point I am making is that sweeping up everyone as having the same views because of their country of origin, or their faith, is a dangerous attitude, especially if mad fanatics start doing it as well.
AOG - // Does that mean that all those running away from that Islamic terrorist attack in Manchester, were not just running scared, but they were all actually Islamophobics? //

Sarcasm in debate works only if it is accurately aimed - this misses the mark by a country mile.

Always happy to help out on fuzzy memories of geography.

You're welcome.
Question Author

/// Catholics are actually
terrorists ///

Who on earth said that?

That is incorrect in two counts, not all Catholics are Irish and not all Irish Catholics are terrorists.

Same as not all Muslims are terrorists, but all Muslims are potential terrorists, as been proven.

A terrorist attack, as defined by a few online dictionaries is ‘a surprise attack involving the deliberate use of violence against civilians in the hope of attaining political or religious aims’.

This appears to be a terrorist act.

I don’t think this is described as a terrorist attack to ‘appease Muslims’.

A useful thought exercise is this - without mentioning the race of the attacker or the religion of those attacked, do the facts of the attack suggest terrorism?

Alternatively, had this man been Muslim, and drove his car into a group of people, say on Westminster Bridge - would that be described as an act of terrorism?
AOG - // That is incorrect in two counts, not all Catholics are Irish and not all Irish Catholics are terrorists.

Same as not all Muslims are terrorists, but all Muslims are potential terrorists, as been proven. //

I am unable to continue this debate.

If you are willing to say on line that all Muslims are potential terrorists - without a shred of evidence, far from 'as been proven' - then I am not convinced of your rationality - at best - or your attitudes involving sweeping nasty bigotry - at worst.

Others may wish to take the time to explore your abhorrent views, I am not one of them
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/// Sarcasm in debate works only if it is accurately aimed - this misses the mark by a country mile. ///

Only in your strange definition of sarcasm, at least it didn't involve searching in "My Lovely Wife's draws"
Question Author

Still doesn't make the Irish 'my natives'.

It is a complete separate land mass.
Question Author
/// all Muslims are potential terrorists ///

That unfortunately is true and cannot be denied.

Taking into consideration that they all follow the Islamic faith and the fact that world wide terrorist attacks have taken place under the name of Islam.

Even our own terrorist attacks have been carried out by our home grown Muslims, be them a doctor a student, or the guy next door who everyone thought was a quiet peace loving guy.

The fact remains in the present climate which ones could you say he wouldn't do such a thing?

I apologise to those who know themselves that they wouldn't do such a thing, but can they speak for the person who they only see on their visit to the local Mosque?
Question Author

/// Others may wish to take the time to explore your abhorrent views, I am not one of them ///

We are man enough or woman enough to explore your abhorrent views, but we don't chicken out though.
//A terrorist attack, as defined by a few online dictionaries is ‘a surprise attack involving the deliberate use of violence against civilians in the hope of attaining political or religious aims’.

This appears to be a terrorist act. //

But surely to achieve the "attaining political or religious aims" you would need to belong to or subscribe to a group, otherwise there would be no hope of attaining them?

Personally I dont care what you call him so long as it achieves an adequate sentence which would be a long drop short rope or never ever let out - IMHO.

My understanding is that he was aligned to the political beliefs of Britain First.

But leaving that aside, I concur with your sentiments regarding his punishment.

I’m not in favour of capital punishment, but I think this fella deserves to be put away for an extremely long time.
//My understanding is that he was aligned to the political beliefs of Britain First. //

He went on their web site and it tipped him over but he was also influenced by the BBC. As far as I am aware BF did not claim responsibility for this action nor do they have instructions on their web site to do such things. IMH BF are just a load of hot air nutters.

I may be wrong of course.

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