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derekpara | 21:20 Sat 29th Oct 2005 | News
47 Answers
Can you name a politician, present or recent past, who is in politics to genuinely improve the lot of 'ordinary people' - and not just for the power.


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I got to say that I think from personal experience many years ago (about 25ish) Tony Benn is a true people person, unselfish and genuine.
Agree with Mo Mowlam but in recent times I would put the late Donald Dewar well above the rest.
I would have to say Ken Livingstone.In all the years I lived in London I saw standards greatly improved.I think he believes passionately in London and it's inhabitants.
Mo Mowlam....did great things for the peace process..a very genuine person.
Tony Benn....a man of the people.

John Baron (Tory) in Essex, he has done wonders in support of his contituants, and he resigned his position in the shadow cabinet over the Iraq war.
Aneurin Bevan (1897 - 1960)
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Years ago Its possible politicians had more integrity .It was said of Sir Anthony Meyer that he visited every home in his constituency when he was mp for slough. That was some miles.

William Gladstone.

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and as for gerry adams and martin mcguinnes, their main effect on individuals lives is a sharde responsibility in northern irelands current state and the thousands of deaths associated.

grow up

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derekpara is asking for peoples opinions which they are quite entitled.I don't think his/her question warrants the abuse of other posters in this thread.We are all quite grown up thank you !
Mrs Thatcher by a mile, ignore the ignorance of plonkers like Tamzarian She saved us from socialism, improved our lives enormously, thanks Maggie you will never be forgotten. Forgive the ignoramuses who refuse to undestand or acknowledge, they no not what they do!

this thread is veering off subject...and descending into the usual left right divide with posters picking their individual political heroes...

Ok heres a few current members of ALL PARTIES, see no bias..who have made and continue to make a vital contribution to our public life.

Ann clwyd, nicholas winterton, menzies campbell,sir george young, kim howells,norman baker, chris mullins, tony wright,Quentin Davis,michael mates, frank dobson,gwyneth dunwoody,peter hain,dennis skinner,simon hughes....etc

shaneystar, that is my opinion so what exactly is your point?

Loosehead, I don't know in what way you feel saved from Socialism. If you mean you profited in some way from the misery that Thatcher inflicted on millions, then you must have been one of those who stood by and agreed with things she was doing.

She did more harm to the industry of this country than Adolf Hitler.

She wanted to do that so there would be no opposition for her husbands' cronies to buy large parts of companies, then sell them off and make lots of people redundant.

She decimated the mining industry as an act of revenge for them standing up to her in the early eighties. The story was that lots of coal mines were uneconomical and coming to the end of their lives but that was a load of tripe. There is still enough coal in this country to supply power stations for over 300 years.

She was a selfish, arrogant cow who didn't care about anyone. Roll on the day when she dies. Dies. I hope it's slow and painful and happens the day after Labour win the next election.

"Saved us from Socialism"? Daily Mail? Daily Telegraph? Norman Tebbit? Not very original Loosehead!

Not sure if you are aware of what state the country was in after it was run into the ground by the unions and the socialists. Have your ill informed rants I suppose in the limited intellect it is often necessary to substitute name calling for positive debate. Your simplistic view is breath taking in it's naivety, it is clear you are not interested in counter arguments. I cannot decide if you are a youngster who has been brainwashed by the belief that socialism can possibly work or whether you are an old union person who has failed to grasp that the world does not owe you a living. I suspect the former. Enjoy your ignorance you deserve it!
Adams and other Sinn Fein politicians wanted to improve the lot of the catholic peoples of N. Ireland. Do you dispute that?. That was the question posed and i do not know how you could disagree with my statement. Some one has mentioned their MPs salaries. Every MP takes that much money and expenses so it is not a factor. You tell me that Adams and Mcguniness did not want to 'genuinely improve the lot of ordinary people'.
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Wow! Someone who agrees with me! We should form an alliance 10CS! The AB Militant Tendency!

adams and mcguinness wanted to improve the lot of a particular group of people, that is hardly the same thing as improving the lots of everyday normal people, which would imply everyone.

also i don't understand why my comment about adams and mcguinness having a shared responsibility in northern ireland's state and death-toll got banned from this this not a political discussion? not a dig at any postees but the admin staff.

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