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The Commies Are Behind Corbyn

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youngmafbog | 13:56 Wed 07th Mar 2018 | News
24 Answers
SO,, it seems comrade COB has the support of the communist Party, they clearly think there is not much between them and labour now.

No surprise for most of us. I really do feel for the real labour voters though. Just what do they have available to them now?


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A pity Mikey is no longer around to give us his views. Anyway, Hell will freeze over before COB gets within a mile of Downing Street.
Well they are bedfellows after all.
Well he would have their support wouldn't he. He's one of them.
Yes, sad for moderate Labour voters but they'll still blindly vote for COB and the Quartermaster. Maybe the Limp Dums will pick up some voters.
I think I would prefer COB to the Limp Dumps.
As there were only two Communists standing in the last election will it make much difference?
//At a meeting of activists in North London on Monday night, she confirmed the party would campaign for Labour at the next election. Professor Michie said: ‘At the 2017 general election we decided not to contest in the election, and fully support Jeremy Corbyn, and CPB has agreed that supporting Labour is the priority and that it would be inappropriate to stand candidates.\\

What a damning indictment of COB and his henchman, McDonnell.

The Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) has 767 members. It has not stood in a general election for 30 years. I doubt those 767 members vote Tory, so I would not be surprised if they vote Labour. They are allowed to support whoever they want, that is nothing to do with Labour.

A few hundred votes countrywide will not make the slightest difference to the result of the next election.
You are correct, of course, Gromit. A classic case of the tail trying to wag the dog.
Those 676 communist votes are unlikely to make a huge difference but the point is not their votes Per say but that fact the communists think Labour so much like them they will campaign for them.

Sorry dropped a few votes. Should have been 767
I doubt the CPGB could cross a road without having an internal row and disbanding.

They have tried to affiliate to Labour many times in the past, so the fact that they still want to is not really of any significance.

An obvious smear story that contains nothing new or revealing.
Given the utter shambles their preferred government is making of just about everything these days...even the ability of the Cabinet to speak convincingly with a single voice on can easily see why Righties have to clutch at even the minutest ray of anti-Labour propaganda such as this.
CPB has 767 members! Mind you, the Tories have refused to reveal what their membership is for several years; perhaps it's lower than that!
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Haha, nice try at deflection QM.

Are you saying Brother COB is not a marxist/commie then?
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You are correct Gromit, votes wise it will make FA difference. I was thinking more along the lines cassa has written above.
I would imagine the CPGB would lose more votes than they would garner at the doorstep.
I can’t see many people being converted by a Marxist at their front door.

well gromit they'd pretend to be Labour and as we know Labour voters will vote for anyone, even eastern bloc spies. TBH though you'd struggle to tell most of the legit Labour party from the commies now anyway.
And the reason there are so few members of the communist party?
Could it be because they all join Labour these days(along with tora)?

Just a thought :-)
The Communist Party is a complete irrelevance.
I have many issues with Corbyn, but if he saves the NHS and builds homes people can afford to buy, well good on him.
The present government is losing its legitimacy by the week
he won't because he'll bankrupt the country and we'll all be boracic!

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