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One Of Those 'poor Children' Goes On Trial, I Bet His Foster Parents Are So Proud Of Him?

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anotheoldgit | 14:39 Wed 07th Mar 2018 | News
60 Answers

/// Hassan had arrived in the UK in the back of a lorry in October 2015 when he was 16 after he was smuggled through the Channel Tunnel without any identity papers. ///

/// His asylum claim was pending and he was living with foster parents Penelope Jones, 71, and her husband Ronald, 88, at the time of the attack. ///



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When we went to war with Germany in both World Wars all Germans (or of German descent - except for our Royal Family!) living in the UK were rounded up and put in internment camps for the duration of the war. What do we do now while we are at "war" with ISIS or whatever they are called now, we continue to let people in to this country where we have no idea of their...
15:05 Wed 07th Mar 2018
We can't be at "war" with ISIS since ISIS is not recognised as a nation. We are merely using the military to destroy a bunch of evil terrorists. Since there is no ISIS nation one can't bar ISIS citizens. Meanwhile we ought to be giving prior explicit permission to those who arrive intending to stay permanently (or refusing permission before they arrive) anyway. Hopefully, after Brexit, that'll be tackled.
Gromit // I Bet His Foster Parents Are So Proud Of Him? //

'What is that suppose to mean?'

It means what it's always meant. It's a very well known expression that has always meant the opposite of what it says.
The fact that 'the gang' chose to take it's literal meaning and huff with faux indignation in order to attack AOG says a lot more about the childish mentality of some on here than it does about AOG.
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It's not often that I agree with AOG, but it seems quite clear to me what he meant in the OP.
An ironic/sarcastic few words to suggest that [i] of course they're NOT proud of him[/i]

(I hope my attempt at italics worked.)
I guess it's easy to screw up posting a question and using some sort of humour inappropriately.
//Come back when you are not alcohol impaired. //

This situation was predictable, as many warnings were given by those who could see the obvious. There will be more. What do we do? Answers on a postcard.
The humour in the title seems pointless though because it's pretty obvious how the foster parents will feel about him. Hopefuly if found guilty (and based on what we know I hope he is) the punishment will be severe and 'lessons will be learned' about who we allow in and how closely they are supervised..
i must be one of the few who got the title of the post.
let us hope that the foster parents don't think they are in any way responsible, this rests solely on the scum that did this.
fiction-factory, //'lessons will be learned' about who we allow in//

Since many arrive in Europe with no papers are you suggesting that we refuse entry to anyone without valid identification? Seems like a start to me.
No, it was acheap and nasty shot by AOG. It's the 'child' who is on trial here not the foster parents- there is no need to mention them at all unless AOG feels they were in some way complicit.
Hopefully there will also be an enquiry- and action taken- into those people/bodies that failed to carry out proper checks
maybe start another thread on that naomi- but I think it's been done to death on here.
It was perfectly clear to me what AOG meant and there was nothing even remotely offensive about the remark.

People have misunderstood the meaning of the remark.

Gromit to Spicerack - "Come back when you are not alcohol impaired."

In a thread yesterday about L Drivers on Motorways the AB Editor was quick to point out that comments shouldn't be personal and lots of answers were removed (including one of mine that was in no way personal or abusive - still scratching my head why), and yet on this thread (and others) Gromit, a moderator no less, is allowed to be insulting with complete impunity.

Sort it out AB Editor - don't make this site one rule for some and one rule for the AB Royalty.

fiction-factory, aog hasn’t suggested the parents are on trial – simply that they’ve been let down by someone they’d offered to care for – which they have. aog shouldn’t be vilified for that.

.// Hopefully there will also be an enquiry- and action taken- into those people/bodies that failed to carry out proper checks //

How can checks be carried out if valid identification isn’t available – and if it isn’t, as is often the case, should we refuse entry?
fiction-factory, //maybe start another thread on that naomi- but I think it's been done to death on here. //

Cross-posted. Why do you want me to start another thread? My posts are relevant to this one.
no papers then surely they can be shipped out. back to where they landed, if that is France, then so be it.
Emmie, we haven't a clue who some of these people are. That's why among the 'child' refugees are people well past their childhood.
No, nothing personal- it was just a silly title which displays ignorance and maybe an attempt to make humour out of a very sad situation.
If AOG were to meet the foster parents would he say "I bet you are so proud of him"? But he says it on here hiding behind a keyboard.
By all means criticise the accused- I think we would all say what we felt if we faced him - but not the poor foster parents (unless AOG believes they were knowingly complicit.
Fair enough naomi if you want to change teh topic and divert attention from the topic in the title. I'll pass on that request to follow your agenda though.
fiction-factory, //if you want to change teh topic and divert attention from the topic in the title. I'll pass on that request to follow your agenda though.//

I have no agenda and I’m not diverting from the topic. You say you hope that lessons will be learned about who we allow in, and I’m asking you what we should do about those who can’t produce identification, which many of these people can’t. It’s clearly an awkward question for you – but bearing in mind your solution to the problem, it’s a valid one.

aog’s intention is clear. I don’t know why you can’t understand it. If anything takes a subject off topic it’s posters’ determination to put the boot in unnecessarily.

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