Spicerack - // andy-hughes
'Carragher is in the public eye, paid an eight-figure salary,'
Doubtful. //
Does that somehow lessen his offence, because reports in the media that he is paid more than £1million by Sky for his opinions are inaccurate?
I don't care if he gives he fee to charity, or does it for nothing, the point is, he is highly paid to talk about football, and accepting that position means accepting the responsibilities that go with it.
One of those is a downside, the public will occasionally have a pop at you, simply because of who you are, and because they can.
The responsibility bit is that confronted with someone being unpleasant, you act like the mature individual you are supposed to be and walk, or in this case, drive away.
You do not spit at a total stranger with a child in his car!
Which part of that are you finding difficulty with?