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Escalating Tensions Between Russia And America Over Syria- Are We All Doomed?

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gordiescotland1 | 21:17 Mon 09th Apr 2018 | News
34 Answers
Hi there
I am getting quite disturbed by the tensions between Russia and America over Syria. With America saying that they will act alone on Syria within the next few days, I know Russia wont like that. Could we be heading for a hot war rather than a cold war this is worse than the cuban missile crisis


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Well, only Belarus, Ukraine and the Baltic states.
Putin isn't going to "annexe" anything. He tried to do Georgia in 2008, then large parts of S and E Ukraine 6 years later. But that didn't really work. He annexed Crimea, but my granny could have done that. Of course one reason he won't do it, apart from the fact that it wouldn't really work, is that it would make him a rather obvious villain as opposed to one only the useful idiots go for. I mean, how do you explain away accidentally invading somewhere :-)
He wouldn't say no tho if the events and scenarios he currently pursues led to a situation where it was possible. That is the problem.
If things did kick off with Russia, how would it affect us leaving the EU?
//If things did kick off with Russia, how would it affect us leaving the EU?//

I’d be more worried about us leaving the world
steg, I don't think aog is serious. Personally, I don't think we are doomed, these sort of things happen all the time in this mad, mad world of ours.
Finland was part of the Russian empire too. Is Vlad hoping to regain that as well?
Belarus is not a problem. Of all the former Soviet republics Belarus remains very pro Moscow. The majority of people there speak Russian and not Byelorussian.
POTUS Obama, stated that action would be taken if certain red lines were crossed , when he was in office .
The red lines were crossed and he did nothing .

POTUS Trump is threatening action - we will wait to see what if any action is taken .

One thing is certain there is likely to be serious repercussions if military action is taken by the west and Russian troops are killed .
I can't see Putin allowing that to happen without some sort of reciprocal action being taken .

We are living in perilous times , but I don't suppose there was a time when the times weren't perilous
It's been perilous Bazile ever since nuclear weapons were invented. Good old mankind putting all their resources into weapons of mass destruction !
Belarus is actually a very independent-minded country.

When Ukraine played Belarus at football in Minsk both sets of fans joined in yelling abuse at Putin. Rather bravely, in the case of the home fans, perhaps, if only because they don't like a lot of shouting in Belarus :-)
// steg, I don't think aog is serious.//

Oh so glad you found it amusing.
The window of US opportunity to remove Assad is closing fast, this 'chemical attack' is a farce (don't be fooled by the footage) and is a last fling, desperate attempt at regime change. The real issue is, and has always been (as I have said on here 3 years ago) about oil, viz, the proposed pipeline from Qatar across Syria and onwards through Turkey to the Med. and Europe, which Assad and Putin do not want.
“Oh so glad you found it amusing”

Excellent, both of us happy then
Jolly good.

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