But to the question itself.
I suppose that the term "racist" is open to wide interpretation. If I saw a white person who said they came from Cowley Road, Oxford, or the Lozells district of Birmingham, I might well be surprised if they said they came from those parts. If that is interpreted as racist then I'd be surprised but never mind, I've been unjustifiably called worse.
Where the PoW is really misinformed is that I don't suppose he's too aware of the monocultural (or to be more accurate, the lack of white people) evident in many parts of the UK's towns and cities. In many of these places the surprise is to find a white person, not that you find a person with dark skin.
Ms Sethi explains that she was "shocked and humiliated" at Brian's remark. I don't know why and as a journalist she needs to develop a somewhat thicker skin. If that's all it takes to shock and humiliate her she may be in the wrong job.