setting aside for the moment any arguments that single interest shortlists of any description invite accusations of discrimination - given that expected rule changes (allowing transgenders access to all-female shortlists, and allowing transgenders to self-identify) could (in theory, allegedly) see men included on all-female shortlists:-
are the activists highlighted correct in their assertion that labour takes x-x human beings too much for granted? or are the party well rid of individuals that subscribe to such narrow mindedness?
"Does allowing self-identifying transwomen on all-women shortlists undermine 'natural' (XX) women? Or is it narrow-minded to think of see things that way?"
Allowing men who choose to identify as women on to all women short lists renders the list a nonsense. (I don't agree with 'all men' or 'all women' or 'all black' or 'all white' - not that I've ever come across the latter - shortlists anyway).
Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we opt to include everyone regardless whether it makes sense or not. (I'll work on the spanning; and the rhyming.)
We should have short folk shortlists, with candidates that self-identify as short. There's not enough short people in government.