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Asda And Sainsburys To Merge

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murraymints | 14:02 Sat 28th Apr 2018 | News
74 Answers
just heard on radio..ASDA and Sainsburys are in talks to merge in a bid to beat the German competition... hmmmmmm......don't like the sound of that myself...


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Asda is grim! Cheap and nasty as opposed to cheap and (mainly) excellent at Aldi and Lidl.
08:28 Sun 29th Apr 2018
will they be Asburys or Sainsda?

Asdaburys does have a certain ring to it ;o)
I hope that means that Asda will become more like Sainsburys, and not the other way round.
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Anything that drives down prices is welcome in my book.
surely not, why would two totally separate successful outlets merge.
They apparently will keep their own brands
I've no doubt that we'll be told it's in the best interests of the customers; more competitive, lower prices etc but someone will probably make a lot of money out of it. And I bet it aint you and me!
no indeed, i shop at Sainsburys because i prefer their goods.
I hope not. Asda is bearable. I can't stand Sainsbury's.
Not looking forward to this, I far prefer Asda.
Hope they do keep as separate brands. On the rare occasion I have been to Asda it is a fire hazard with a sea of fat chavs clad in velour and polyester, whereas Sainsbury's attracts a better class of person.

Me? A snob?
Crazy IMO...why would they? They have different clientele and there's a price difference. I prefer Asda for service and price though when I could shop I occasionally went to S'burys. What happens to Argos then as S'burys took them over.... Hmmm not a good idea in my way thinking.
I've only ever been in ASDA about 3 times. That was enough. I'm a Sainsbury's girl. If they merged...and changed...I'd spend more time with the Germans.
Er...what happened to Argos?
"successful outlets"? Well, Asda isn't doing that well at all...losing market share to both Lidl and Aldi....
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some Argos stores are within Sainsburys now..most up here are still the same though
From the article.
"While the exact terms of the transaction couldn’t be immediately learned, Walmart could retain a significant stake in the combined entity, according to people familiar with the situation."
Would this suggest Walmart is interested in acquiring Sainsburys eventually?
Yes, I know. We had 2 very close to each other. One moved into the superstore about a mile outside the city.

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