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Everyday Racism Or Sensible Business Practices?

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sp1814 | 09:24 Tue 01st May 2018 | News
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I’m going for the former.

This is clearly prejudiced behaviour (in that the waiter was prejudging the customers based on their race alone).


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jackdaw - // If I go to the local Chinese/Indian takeaway I pay when I order, before my meal arrives. I have no problem with that. // I think that's standard practice for most takeaways, for obvious reasons. But if your takeaway asked you to pay in advance, but not the next customer who is Chinese or Indian, then that would be racism, and that is what happened here.
11:40 Tue 01st May 2018
I'm one of those people who think The Card is played far too quickly and far too easily by some people, and I see this most when in fact there is no racism involved.

But this case is so obviously racist in nature that I'm struggling to understand how anybody can defend it.

In fact, if I were asked to explain to a child what racism is, I think this would be a perfect example to use.
I can only echo what many and Deskdiary in particular has just said.

It's clear cut to me.
agreed, this isn't "everyday" racism, it's classic racism in its purest form, except without the lynching.

Just an opinion, to which I am entitled, Life's too short to wind yourself up over nothing,
At the moment I live in a House with a few Nationalities living there.
1 x English, I x Scot (Mrs B and myself, co owners), 2 x Indian, 2 x Saudi Arabian, we all get along just fine.
Whether the owners are racist or not is open to debate but this is an act of racism.

I have NEVER been asked to pay in advance on the continent TTT, where the hell do you eat?

Well I have but not to worry... Englishism is something we're all fine with.

I can't see anyone questioning your entitlement to your opinion , Baldric
Baldric - // Just an opinion, to which I am entitled, Life's too short to wind yourself up over nothing, //

I couldn't agree more.

But racism isn't 'nothing'.
Talbot could you explain your 'Englishism' remark please, it's not at all clear what you mean?
Pay now or pay later, you still have to pay. This is something I couldn't get worked up about no matter how hard I tried.
Because I and my friends are English we have been told to pay for drinks round by round in German pubs. Everyone else had the customary beer-mat.

jackdaw - // Pay now or pay later, you still have to pay. This is something I couldn't get worked up about no matter how hard I tried. //

If, as I assume, you, as I, enjoy the luxury of being a white man, then we are blessed with rarely if ever encountering blatant racism, then it's easy to adopt the laid-back attitude to the prejudice delivered to people of colour on a daily basis.

But I believe that should not make us complacent - prejudice exists in many forms and in many places, and it should be stamped on at source, and that is what happened here.

In this area it is very rarely seen or heard, couple of times I've been called a P*** L***** when out for a week with one of the Indian Ladies, on both occasions it was from Tourists who obviously come from less enlightened areas, we've lived in the area for a while, you can count the incidents on one hand.
OK, we are now saying that we are noty allowed to use any form of statisticla behaviour monitoring to predict behaviour? Right oh! that's most modern marketing up the pictures! PMSL you guys amaze some times. Are you saying that we should have no fear/not take precaustions for of "insert name of entity that does not offend" - no matter how many times it bites us?
does this mean that unless we join in with the Nigerian 419 scam we are racist? Right oh!
...and if you dare to close the door on a JW and tell him where to shove his Watchtower you are clearly a religious bigot.
Hong Shing Chinese Restaurant, should implement a 'Pay on Order' policy for all if they are prone to runners.

Problem solved.
I agree with that, Mamya.
TTT - // OK, we are now saying that we are noty allowed to use any form of statisticla behaviour monitoring to predict behaviour? Right oh! that's most modern marketing up the pictures! PMSL you guys amaze some times. Are you saying that we should have no fear/not take precaustions for of "insert name of entity that does not offend" - no matter how many times it bites us? //

No, we're not saying that at all.

We are saying that assuming, rather than predicting, that a customer or customers are more likely to skip without paying because they are black, is racist, and it's illegal.

It has nothing to do with predicting behavioural patterns such as your example.

This was not a sociological survey, this was a restaurant assuming that black customers are more likely to be criminals than white ones, and making them pay in advance because of it.

AH: "We are saying that assuming, rather than predicting, that a customer or customers are more likely to skip without paying because they are black, is racist, and it's illegal." - They must have based this decision on experience, how many black people must do a runner before a business takes precautions? Are we not allowed, at all to react to statistical behaviour? surely you can see that? If you know that piranha will eat you is it discriminatory to refuse to go in the water?

"It has nothing to do with predicting behavioural patterns such as your example." - it has everything to do with it.

"This was not a sociological survey, this was a restaurant assuming that black customers are more likely to be criminals than white ones, and making them pay in advance because of it. " - based on experience, they didn't start off like that.

It's people like you that make this such hard work as we are not allowed to react to the inescapably obvious lest we be labelled with and "ist"
/// As bikers are neither a race nor a religion, I doubt a legal challenge would win in the UK. ///

Still discrimination.

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