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What does the UK think of immigrants?

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madein1978 | 17:16 Wed 02nd Nov 2005 | News
70 Answers
For my own personal research, I'm posing the question, what does the UK now think of immigrants? My personal thoughts on the subject are that the UK is already a crowded place and we are losing our countryside to build houses to accomodate the influx of people, the immigrants have broken the freedom of speech which our parents and grandparents fought for in the Second World War. I know this question question may seem like russian roulette with the way the government seems to be on their side, but I'm interested in YOUR thoughts.


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Yes, I think that all of those people who died in WW2, died in vein, all because that dork Tony Blair has forsaken them. Brussels and the immigration commitees are the ones which tell Tony Blair what to do, brussels with all of this human rights s**te, and the immigration committees who seem to be putting the fear of god up the government, they are part of the reason why Tony Blair isn't doing much about our illegals problem. And I totally agree with the fact that illegals come here to hide, because they know no-one will touch them, there is a lot of scum walking about that just don't belong here, but they are making a living out of robbing us, stealing cars and doing fraudulent activities. Another thing that gets up my nose too, is when the government tries to get tough, the goody two shoes social worker brigade start screaming on about human rights and how inhumane we are being by trying to send them back, it all just annoys me and it makes me want to become an emigrant!
I'm with you, vehelpfulguy, I welcome those willing to work and contribute and wonder what it will take to get the politicians and judges to deal with the wasters and criminals. Anyone like to give a view on the future of this country ? As an island, with limited space, it is essential that we control our borders effectively.

Right wing paranoia is rampant on this site these days...its a shame because whether you agree or disagree as regards the issues.. there are many people on here who make intelligent contributions...sadly when the word immigration is just gives some to launch into tirades miss-information and damn right propaganda...

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We as a people are far too stupid to ever vote against immigration, 30 years from now Britain will be a muslim country and Christians will be the minority in our own country and we cant stop this happening because we as a nation are half wits and muslims are 50 times smarter than we are.

Face it people, it's how it is.
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Spot on again, don1, thats how I see it too, but I think it will be 20 years, and we will have a Black or Muslim Prime Minister as well. I also believe that practicing christianity will be outlawed by then with the penalty of amputation of limbs if you are a practising catholic or protestant. Some of us really do need to wake up and smell the coffee before it is too late, because I can see the said problem arising, I'm glad someone else can see it and I'm not alone like someone said.

Would you be okay with a black christian Prime Minister, as a compromise?

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There it is, on one of the front pages of today's papers, Christmas is banned because it's a christian festival and we mustn't upset the muslims. I will buy a copy, but from what I could make out, it seems some sort of childrens charity is not allowed to raise money for christmas presents for sick kids because some other lot has said its racist and insensitive to the muslims. Someone said its the likes of me who causes racial hatrid, I don't think so, cos this sort of thing does a pretty good job of that as far as I'm concerned. We are also told that christmas lights are racist too and are insensitive to muslims, this is a christian country (for the time being) and it has been for centuries, but this stupid goverment we've got won't do anything to protect us from islam, who's central message is essentially convert the infidel, they who cannot and will not be converted should be killed in the name of allah. Seems they've started.

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In response to flashpig's answer, I don't care about colour, a christian black prime minister is something this country will see, I can't deny I wouldn't be apprehensive about such a person being in charge, but it would depend what that person is like, if he or she was a good person who was capable of running this country efficiently then I would be OK with it, I guess, because there are some decent black people who aren't full of arrogance and african culture, but on the flipside to this, they could turn out to be a Robert Mugabe clone and that would be just as bad as if they were a muslim however, I'm afraid this country would be doomed!

If you want to see the future in Europe regards immigration see what is happening in Paris at the moment. The same thing happened in Lozells in Birmingham a week or so ago.

Immigrant communities rioting, setting fire to buildings, killing each other, clashing with police, looting.

It is such a shame because I used to love being English and living in England, but now I hate what is happening to this country.

I tend to watch and listen to the news a lot (on TV, on the radio, on the internet, in newspapers) but I become more and more depressed about how many times race and immigration is mentioned in the news.

Honour killings, drug pushing, gangs shooting each other, so called racism in the police and army, Muslim extremists, forced marriages, "scam" marriages, "missing" asian children, black on black shootings, illegal immigrants, asylum seekers, credit card scams, the list goes on.

No wonder so many British want to go and live in places like Spain, they have seen what is coming and do not like it.

I can see how you would be angry that Christmas is being banned. I don't see how it would work.

If one organisation is choosing to celebrate the generic season (as in 'season's greetings') it isn't banning Christmas, just allowing those who want to celebrate it and those who do not want to celebrate it do not have it shoved in their face.

I first heard 'happy christmas' being phased out not because of Muslims but because of Jews who are celebrating Hannukah. Yet you only think of it as the Muslims trying to 'ban' Christmas.

Is this because scapegoating the Jews became a little unfashionable since WWII?

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Who mentioned the jews, not I, but you have a fair point. Here's another example of the politicians trying to brainwash our children into liking illegals and guarding their mouth, did you know that instead of singing Baa,Baa, Black Sheep, a nursery rhyme that has been around for generations, it should now be Baa,Baa, Happy Sheep, I mean is there nothing safe from the PC rightonists?
Don't feed the trolls, please people.

But who ACTUALLY sings 'Happy Sheep'?

This all sounds like 'EU restrictions in the bend of bananas' sort of stuff.

People who want to celebrate Christmas will still celebrate.

madein1978 you write "I don't care about colour.. (if the Prime Minister were black).....I would be OK with it, I guess, because there are some decent black people who aren't full of arrogance and african culture"

Of the July suicide bombers you say "the majority of muslims are like that, in as much as they will accept our hospitality and stay in our country while hating us and wanting to destroy the west"

You write "the immigrants have broken the freedom of speech which our parents and grandparents fought for in the Second World War"

You have forgotten the fact that during the Second World War, countries in the British Empire fought alongside wir parents and Grandparents. Many non-Christians fought for us, the majority of the Asian countries' forces for example. Thousands of non-whites fought for us, the Caribbean countries and again, the Asian countries. I

You think then, it's okay for foreigners to fight and die for us but how dare their descendants come to live here.

You "don't care about colour" sorry, but it's obvious you do if you assume most black folk are full of arrogance and African culture.

PSML at Waldo!
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The colour of skin is insignificant, someone who is coloured is like that because of the climate they come from, Africa is one hot place and their skin needs to be that colour to survive it and as far as I'm concerned they could be as black as newgates knocker but still be a nice likeable person. You misunderstand that African culture and attitudes are so so different from ours and at times be incompatible, they don't think like us, in Africa things like bribery and corruption are as normal to them as fish and chips are to us, and they don't change when they come here. Why do you think there are so many shootings in black communities?

I love way you talk about this thing called 'African Culture' as if a continent of 11.6 million sq miles, 54 countries and 800 million people could conceivably have a homogenous culture.

Priceless, if preposterously ignorant!

Incidentally, I'd like to publicly distance myself from any notion of 'us' that might include you.

You know madein1978 - your question finished "I'm interested in YOUR thoughts"

It doesn't sound like it to me

I'm just thinking about all the blacks (of both African and Carribean decent), asians, muslims, hindus and other members of ethnic minorities I have met in this country.

If it was possible I would go round and see them all and apologise for those poorly educated, ill informed, ignorant, racist w*nkers like you for spouting their ridiculous prejudiced ideologies to the rest of us in the hope that we agree.

Newsflash! The vast majority of this country disagrees with you pal.

Yes there is an important issue of illegal immigration into this country but you are clearly ignorant to the ACTUAL problems we as a nation face with regard to that issue and what you choose to do is basically preach racial hatred and if anyone should be kicked out of this country it should be you mate!

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