City hall have given the green light to a crowdfunded blimp depicting an angry Donald Trump throwing a temper tantrum in a nappy, meaning it will be flying over Parliament Square on the day of his visit.
Do you think this is a valid piece of satire or do you think this should have been disallowed so as not to annoy the President?
//Where do you people get this rubbish from? You haven’t a clue what his wife thinks but nevertheless to you it’s acceptable to make it up as you go along. As long as you can put the boot in anything goes, doesn't it SP. Shameful, absolutely shameful.//
I get it from the shudders and the times she’s flicked his hand away.
By the way - why are you so very upset all the time? You spend so much time on here with steam coming out of your ears that you come across as a heart attack about to happen.
Take a chill pill. We’re taking the mickey out of a remote politician...not your children.
For goodness sake, dial down the outrage...even klaxons occasionally fall silent.
Bloody 'ell sp, you criticise naomi when you yourself very often need to 'take a chill pill' when you get riled up about things you believe in, or is it different for you??
In my opinion, this blimp should never have been approved, so what 10,000 people signed a petition, millions didn't! Does not show us in a good light at all, and how come Khan has so much power?