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Canary42 | 21:00 Mon 09th Jul 2018 | News
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4 more out, 5 to go. Let's all hope the success continues to a final conclusion - it would be a fitting tribute to the rescuer who died.


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Dear NJ, Shut up. Yours, Everyone
21:36 Mon 09th Jul 2018
Shocked by NJ's harsh judgement.
Good choice for BA.
Ekapol's letter to the families was heartfelt and I'm sure his faith will help him and prevent doing anything to himself as he may get more bad press afterwards.

It would be great if that didn't happen - but people can be like that.
Omg, bit of compassion nj.
Thai people, in my experience, are lovely. The parents have said they don't blame him, and I believe them. He didn't do it on purpose.

They don't call it 'the land of smiles' for no reason.
Don't moan, NJ, I treated your post with all the respect it deserved, which was none.

NJ I have to say that you disappoint me,I have always looked forward to you level headed replies,am sorry but I think that one was beneath you.
The teacher did nothing wrong. He didn't make it rain.
No he certainly didn't make it rain. But it rains heavily almost by clockwork at this time every year. But even without the rain, the man (who is supposed to be a football coach) was utterly irresponsible to a criminal degree. The route he took the boys, deep into the caves, was unsuitable for any but the most experienced cavers (have a read about some of the passageways they negotiated). This was no Sunday afternoon jolly after football training. Quite what he was thinking of (if he was thinking at all) is anybody's guess.

I stand by what I said. One life lost and he could, but for the skill and bravery of the rescuers, have presided over a tragedy of enormous proportions because of his utter stupidity.
I hope suitable recognition is given to the team of highly skilled and experienced BRITISH Cave rescue divers who have given their time and flown 1/2 way round the world to help. They really are the best in the world.
This item dovetails nicely with spathyphillum's, 'can you be old and wise without being young and foolish?'

I'm sure New Judge will weather this storm of righteousness and we'll all look back and see he was right.
It's why we have risk assessments.

Now, proceed with your barbs and taunts.
^^ An American film crew. Once the film comes out you can bet your bottom dollar that it will concentrate on the US effort and barely mention the British divers who have done 99% of the rescue.
I was thinking more of an award for bravery rather than a film.
we are all wiser with hindsight...
All the evidence suggests you're wrong, Minty.
T. I. T. = "This is Thailand" and rural Thailand at that.
N.J. is thinking in terms of Western culture and not Thai.

Firstly - this is NOT the rainy season, that starts at the end of July and goes on until October. In the rainy season it is steady rain for many hours per day - it causes flooding, and the caves will flood then, but it does not cause flash floods as happened here. I live approx 80 miles away and my garden could do with some rain

The flash floods that caught out the children were caused by one week of violent thunderstorms that are normally localised. In June normally there would be no problems.

Education in rural society is not the same as the cities. Kids are taught subjects parrot fashion and are not taught to think for themselves. There is a general lack of "common sense" compared to Western Society or urban Thais.

Thais believe in karma and if it is your time, then that's it. Hence they take stupid risks with life with no fear. Religion again has a lot to answer for. Every day you see husband and wife, 2 or 3 kids all on the same motor-cycle and with a dog sitting on the riders lap and balancing on the handle-bars. The roads are good, but Thailand has one of the worst accident rates in the world, due to lack of common sense and "karma".

The coach I am sure would just be a "nice" person who has an interest in football and helps out the local team. He will not have any formal training as such, even I helped coach my local village kids team when I first moved over. At 25 he is more like a big brother to the kids than a teacher.

I am also sure he would not have taken them as far into the cave as that, but was instead driven deeper and deeper due to the flooding and the fact that the kids could not swim.

All the true facts will come out later, I am guessing also.....But it is not fair to cast aspersions on anyone until the true facts are known.
Even aside from all that, it doesn't matter how stupid he's been: Not rescuing him would be inhuman, and even contemplating it is pathetic.
A sensible post from someone with first hand knowledge.NJ take note.
Eddie, //British divers who have done 99% of the rescue. //

Have they?
I think Eddie might be wrong on that one.

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