To those who were concerned - thank you - family have made it to their camp site s. of Paris. Kids had been promised Disneyland and are hyped up about it. It is quite bad enough that it is this family where Dad has announced he wants to separate (10 days ago). ( I spent yesterday driving 40+ miles to babysit whilst daughter went to see a solicitor and then bringing dog back to home her for a fortnight.) People are far more important than 'points scored'. As I said, thank you to those who were concerned.
J. as I implied in my response to Jackdaw earlier.....point scoring beats sense or an interesting answer......but then an interesting answer is beyond some.....
I've been trying to think of a name without the 'great' bit since Sept. - it evades me. My grandkids call me 'Grandmamie' (except for one grand-daughter who stuck on 'Grandmamami', which is rather sweet now that it has become established. Just realised that this is News and we'll have the hounds of Hell descending shortly because of levity. :(
Gness, //Naomi and I don't get along at all but she does post considered and knowledgable opinions//
Just to make it clear I am neither friend nor foe to anyone here. Regardless of identity, if I think someone is right I’ll say so … and if I think they’re wrong I’ll say so. I respond and move on … but thank you for the compliment.
I'll second that. Naomi and I have crossed swords more times than I care to count on here but when I posted about my man's health the other day she was there like a shot being all good common sense, so thank you x
Thanks. Fingers crossed. He's off to see his Dr on Thursday who will hopefully refer him, I'll let you know xx ( Sorry for the off topic fender- but credit where it's due :)