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These huge number of businesses who are reliant on the current supply chains must surely by now have contingency plans in place to cope with all eventualities, or are their boards/managements not able to do their job ? They're supposed to run their business for profit and survival. If they can't, a rival will take their market share.
Anyway, we both pay a little more for foreign goods. Why the big fuss ?
What if those supply chains involve European countries?
OG: ‘A little more for foreign foods’. You’ve really no idea have you? Here, educate yourself and start talking from an informed viewpoint instead of ignorant sound bites which make you sound like you’re reiterating something that you overheard in the Dog & Duck:

//we slap x% on all imports when they do or they rise by WTO rules, capiesch?//

I don't know what 'capiesch' means. Does it imply that one cancels out the other enabling businesses to continue as they are? Or does it imply that should they hit us with a stick we will hit them with a stick, then we will have both been hit by sticks?
Read my link above. Torah should as well, if he pops in.
yes but if you both threaten to hit with a stick it usually means that neither get hit with a stick. It means that both sides see sense and cooperate. The VB like ZM and co assume that only the EUSSR has a stick and that we must therefore allow ourselves to be subjugated like they are used to.
And what in that webpage is supposed to change anyone's mind ? Looks like it was simply posted as an excuse to sling an insult. It's still a case of paying a little more by the consumer. The system changes behind the scenes are for those whose job it is, to have sorted. Some folk worry to much.
Resorting to insults again, Torah. With a hard Brexit there are no options. There are just cold hard tariffs to deal with. Why do you seemingly challenge this with waffle about ‘deals’. There are no deals.
WTO rules are fine by me, they apply to both sides, I'd rather do a direct deal with the EU but I'm not desparate.
OG, ‘an excuse to sling insults’. There are no insults in my link, just facts. Please pick out a couple of sentences to back up your claim.
Sometimes that is the case, TTT, I grant you. However, when threatening you have to consider the percentage of GDP as mentioned above. If you both use the same size stick and you are much smaller you will get hurt more, and the other person knows that.
Here you go Zacs "start talking from an informed viewpoint instead of ignorant sound bites which make you sound like you’re reiterating something that you overheard in the Dog & Duck:"

Can't see any other reason for posting the link since it changes nothing despite your enthusiasm for it.
Stop shouting and read the link fully. WTO rules will NOT apply to the EU countries we trade with because......they’re protected by the EU!
If you do read it, you may notice certain information such as:
‘The imposition of tariffs on trade with the EU would increase costs for both UK importers (and hence consumers) and exporters. The average EU tariff rate is low – around 1.5%. However, at a sectoral level, the impacts would be much larger: for example, for cars and car parts the tariff rate is 10%. Since most UKbased car production is exported, and uses imported parts, the impacts would be magnified. The impacts would also be large on agriculture, where EU tariffs and quotas remain high; this would result in significant food price inflation for British consumers.’
I don’t have any ‘enthusiasm’ for it. The link shows the situation very cleary. Are you being deliberately obtuse or just dodging the points the link makes?
I’m still waiting for you to provide some practical examples over on the other thread.
WTO rules will apply to the whole EU as an entity like it does with all other non EU countries that do not have a specific deal. Gawd it's like trying to nail jelly to a wall.
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Capisce, pronounced capeesh, is Italian for 'Do you understand?'
‘WTO rules will apply to the whole EU’

WTO rules apply to everyone who is a member and the Most Favoured Nation rule should prevent exhorbitant tariffs. BUT this is a double edged sword, as the same level playing field would be applied to exports as well, meaning that our businesses trading with and in the same fields as EU nations become less competitive due to preferential trading arrangements between the remaining 26 nations.

No jelly. No nails. No walls. Just facts.

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