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Questions For The British Home Secretary

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Khandro | 22:49 Mon 06th Aug 2018 | News
256 Answers
Lots of 'first times' on here, including the first in this post to sign in on the Koran. Where is Britain heading?



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You'll have to remind me. Was it when you asked a silly question based on quoting a few words from one sentence of mine. A bit like if I said something like "I beat my wife yesterday at table tennis" you asked me why I'm a wife beater. Something silly like that .
It's all in the thread FF... Maybe you're not acting.
It was the silly question then. I didn't think it worthy of a response
Giving you the benefit of doubt I asked you for the evidence of domestic violence.
So you accept all the other points about his criminal history but want to clarify one of several aspects to divert attention from the others?.
Can you show me he wasn't. Can you remind me why the police came round before he hit the policeman?
But it seems a distraction in regard to the OP he has quite a criminal past and is not the angel that Weston makes out.
So you accept all the other points about his criminal history but want to clarify one of several aspects to divert attention from the others?.

No I don't, because unlike some I could ask you other questions that you would struggle with.

You want to believe the worst you have heard about TR... I want to know the truth

Part of my reply went awol for some reason.

No I don't, because unlike some I don't believe it because I'm told it is fact.
I like to think I'm objective.
>I like to think I'm objective.

Good. Me too. I think most of us like to think we are objective.

How are you objective... You had no facts and couldn't provide any facts for your claim.
Equally I could ask how you can be objective Talbot? You seem to believe all Weston's claims even though there is no evidence in there- at the moment it's all just a story that Tommy is spinning. If and when real evidence comes along I'll take notice of it and maybe agree with Robinson. But at the moment we don't.
Talbot - // You want to believe the worst you have heard about TR... I want to know the truth //

The truth and the worst I have heard about 'Tommy Robinson' are one and the same thing - he has a criminal record with his offences being a matter of public record.

Unless of course the police and the legal system are 'out to get him'?

Actually, that scenario does rather ring a bell. Doesn't it Mr Weston?
Equally I could ask how you can be objective Talbot? You seem to believe all Weston's claims

Here's a simple one for you... Provide the evidence for that little gem.
I'd forgotten the prison sentence after travelling on someone else's passport and the previous drugs conviction. The list just keeps growing.
Oh and there's a reference there to the domestic case where he hit a policeman who had to intervene in a domestic debate between Tommy (or whatever his name was then) and his wife.
It's hard to keep track though when he has been called Robinson , Lennon, Harris,Yaxley-Lennon
^ debate should have been dispute- or as theHuff Post articel (MSM fake news?) puts it "to stop a confrontation between Lennon and his partner." If you have evidence that he was defending himself from her or it was just a debate about what to have for tea then I'll look at that objectively. If I could be bothered I'd probably find a 20 minute youtube clip from a nutjob who states it and demand that you watch it, but that would be silly...wouldn't it
A handy reference collection, FF ...
Character assassinations clearly delight the assassins but they don’t address the OP in any way whatsoever so I’ll repeat a question I asked earlier which remains unanswered. How is the crime relevant to the treatment an inmate can expect to receive from the authorities in prison? Even the rights of the foulest of murderers are respected so how come Tommy Robinson’s aren’t – and how come that something that fundamental is irrelevant to our fine, upstanding, oh so moral critics?
Why would anyone require so many different names ? ( maybe something to hide ) ?
Someone dealt with earlier. Was it ickeria? As things stand, your question is based on a false premise. The only evidence is Tommy's claims which have not as yet been substantiated. His complaint to the prison authorities was dismissed
Yes, Ichkeria at 10:35 this morning.
You must know you're in a hole and are just waffling FF?

Any evidence?

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