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Is It Feasible To Stop Smokers Gassing Their Own Children?

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ToraToraTora | 11:42 Sun 19th Aug 2018 | News
53 Answers
A few years back smoking in cars with children was made illegal. Sad that was necessary but is it now time to do the same in the home? I'd have hoped parents would be protective enough of their own children that this would not be necessary but the selfishness of smokers is vast.


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bo11ocks ttt. check out the revenue against nhs dubious findings
Question Author
I assume you are a smoker sparkly, do you have kids? do you smoke at home? Is this about you defending your habit above all else?
Question Author
"bo11ocks ttt. check out the revenue against nhs dubious findings " - it's not just the medical bills there are huge costs elsewhere.
ttt, your obsession with smokers is quite disturbing.
As AB's chief hoarder of statistics, I did some quick reading into this:

In short, nobody knows whether smoking is a net cost or a net benefit to the UK in economic terms. But it's a pretty narrow way of viewing things.
Question Author
eg 2800 fires each year are caused by smokers, then there is all the insurance claims for death and destruction putting up all our premiums.
...and that's just for starters.
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sparkly, why wont you answer my questions at 14:38?
loosing the will to live now, going for a fag, maybe we should ban noise polluting motor bikes.
Ooops, losing I should have said. TTT , I don't answer your questions.
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ok sparky I can assume you gas your own children in your home, as gromit said above, no doubt they will pick up the habit from you, model parent eh?
Bored now, carry on rambling TTT
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I love it when I hook a smoker! makes my day!
Is that the same as smoking a hookah?
I don't actually smoke, never have done, but if I have made a halfwit happy, it makes my day.
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oh you're back sparkly, thought you were off.
Actually I’m enjoying a fag and a coffee whilst reading these ramblings.
Fag and a coffee, absolute luxury, bloke the smoke in ttt's face, might cheer him up,lol.
I also feel sorry for the animals that have no choice but to be affected by it. One beautiful GS I know died because of its owner being a heavy smoker.
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sparkly;"Fag and a coffee, absolute luxury, bloke the smoke in ttt's face, might cheer him up,lol. " - and they wonder why we through them out of the boozers! LOL!
we through them out of the boozers! LOL!

what on earth does that mean, ???????

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