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Why Can't We Run A Nick?

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ToraToraTora | 17:34 Mon 20th Aug 2018 | News
35 Answers
Ok this is the hopeless G4S but really the public sector is no better.


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Rory Stewart the prisons Minister has been given credit for saying he'd resign if measures to reduce violence in ten prisons is not reduced within the next twelve months.

He's also been given credit for taking this prison back under government control.

There were 70 recommendations made after an inspection eighteen months ago but only fourteen have been implemented.

Rory Stewart assumed his role eight months ago so why did he not know about the dire conditions in the prison already?

Either he knew and did nothing about it or he was not aware because he was not doing his job properly.

Either way, his offer of resignation may need to come earlier than anticipated.
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yes good party political waffle TCL but why can't we run a nick?
That should read "if measures to reduce violence in ten prisons are not successful..."
Private companies like G4S are only looking for profit so work to the bone. Same as public sector except they aren't given enough money in the first place.
Ive never been in a 'private' nick but at least in a proper HMP nick I always felt safe. Theres something not right about prisons for profit type nicks. For one the staff get paid peanuts and you pay peanuts you get monkeys...
Perhaps more staff,more resources and increased random cell and body checks would help?
The reason we can;t is down to hand wringing libtards and low life 'ooman rights briefs.
//The reason we can;t is down to hand wringing libtards and low life 'ooman rights briefs//
Proper HMP nicks are run much more efficiently than private run nicks.
Private run prisons are run on a shoestring.
chair of the justice committee Bob Neill was interviewed on Midlands Today. being a tory MP you might expect him to defend the government record on prisons, and it was no surprise he said that problems in the prison estate were evenly spread across both public and private prisons. “I don’t think it follows that things are worse at private prisons . . . the evidence to our committee does not suggest that pattern,” he said.
but he did start the interview by saying that the justice ministry were in all ways removed from the department's front line, and had little clue about what was actually happening in the prisons.
Maybe prisoners aren't tired enough of they're constantly plotting shenanigans and japes.
Some exercise in the rock breaking area might puff them out a bit and lead to more peaceful surroundings.
Get their minds off contraband for a while too.
I agree with nailit. Prison is a serious matter and prisons, as a department of the Home Office, should be staffed by by proper wardens employed by them, not cowboys. There was a time when the only non-salaried member of staff, whose duties were hired out, was the hangman.
Ive spent (several) times in proper HMP nicks. Ive known lots of people who have spent time in private nicks. Out of the two I would rather spend my time again in a proper nick rather than one of these new private affairs.
Private nicks...short staffed and run on a budget with drugs, bullying etc on the increase.
Old style nicks...proper staff, proper wages (for the staff), drugs and bullying still a problem as always, but dealt with appropriately.
What is a nick ? ,
//What is a nick ? //
A Nick is one of two things that gave Jim Davidson a career.
The slammer, gulliver.
LOL @ Douglas ^^
This is a link of Rory Stewart talking about B'ham prison today. I've also posted it on my thread about RS.
What is a Slammer ,?

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