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The Presidents Genitals

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spathiphyllum | 11:35 Wed 19th Sep 2018 | News
59 Answers
are all over the news this morning. Is this acceptable? I think so.. i mean the media can say / do / act as they wish! But should they be careful over potential penis rumours? is that too much information to be sharing to the world?


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Closer examination shows not so much a mushroom, more of a toad's tool.
11:52 Wed 19th Sep 2018
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I think the prime concern is for Stormy to achieve historical fame like:

How unbelievably tacky she is.
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Well... she is a porn star, not exactly the glamour life!

Also, she could probably do with some more cash
No doubt 'The Donald' will be tweeting soon about just how magnificent his manhood really is. In fact, he probably has the most magnificent of any President before him. True. True. You'll see.
Wasn't Jack Straw also rumoured to be lacking in the trouser department and a couple have been rumoured to be the opposite.

I suspect the vast majority of this sort of thing is rubbish - especially when there is a book out !!
does anyone care ?
That is below the belt!... :-(
Nothing new.....

Clinton was described as suffering with Peyronie's disease at some point in his tenure as POTUS.

These descriptions add an amount of veracity to any accusations because there will be people who actually 'know' whether they descriptions are accurate or not.
She might need money,and being a porn star is probably used to more attractive and sizeable alternatives but seriously there is not enough money or power in the world to make me have sex with Trump. Uggggh.

Most people who wold know would not be as classy as "Stormy" so dont hold your breath for anyone backing it up (Unless they too have a book to peddle).
Well just to balance it kvalidir there is no way I would touch Hillary - even with TTT's.

In fact I cant really think of a Politician I would, maybe Palin a few years back if she shut up.
Not interested at all, I was going to say that I'm fed up of seeing the President's Genitals come up in LP.

But thought better of it. ;-)
I might consider Justin Trudeau at a push, but he's a bit preppy for me, but I think he's about it YMB :)
Don’t lose your head, mamya ...
Better watching Naked Attraction on TV!
If he gave me enough money to give up work and go and live in Menorca I'd do it. I could grit my teeth for 3 minutes.
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Its funny all this talk over trump and stormy when theresa may has *** the entire country
If we’re talking about attractive leaders, now this is more like it ...
Trump did something very important yesterday.
He declassified the documents/e-mails pertaining to the muhRussia probe. Rats and Liars (strzok, comey, etc) can no longer hide behind it.
This is the fake news saying 'oh look, squirrels' to the easily distracted.
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Spicerack, oh absolutely, when this kind of media or "news" is pushed so deeply into google searches etc.. It's usually a cover up story.

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