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Gromit | 00:02 Thu 27th Sep 2018 | News
146 Answers
1. Back to prison for the same sentence
2. Back to prison for a shorter sentence
3. Back to prison for a longer sentence
4. Set free

Which will it be ?


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andy-hughes, Your sense of humour is awry.

//a loudmouthed opinionated egotistical hate monger with a mission of self-publicity and ego-massage//

Incidentally, vitriol does your argument - such as it is - no favours. It’s not smart – it’s puerile.
a loudmouthed opinionated egotistical hate monger with a mission of self-publicity and ego-massage, then you go right ahead.

Tommy is bang on right about the dangers of an ever growing muslim/islam threat. Keeping your head firmly stuck in the sand is delusional
sanmac - // However, you opened the door, in a way, for me when you stated emphatically that the the word "avalanche" is an absolute, and I proved that you were incorrect. //

No you didn't.

The use of the word 'avalanche' in written English is an absolute, you can't have 'a bit of an avalanche', you have one, or you don't have one.

That is not contradicted by your correct information that avalanches have degrees - but they have to be avalanches first, in order to have measurable degrees size and strength.

You can measure an avalanche, you can't measure 'a bit of an avalanche' because it doesn't exist.
Remember the Shrewsbury Two (1971/2), one of whom was the actor who played Jim Royle? They were jailed for contempt, your description of Robinson applies equally to them, but of course they were hard left so the law did not really concern them.
SparklyKid - // Tommy is bang on right about the dangers of an ever growing muslim/islam threat. Keeping your head firmly stuck in the sand is delusional //

I don't 'keep my head firmly stuck in the sand … ' or indeed anywhere else.

I have said many times, without response, that if Islam is so intent on he world domination that 'Robinson' and his ilk bang on about - why isn't it happening?

They have the numbers, far more than needed - perhaps they just lack the willpower?

Or is it perhaps that they actually don't want to 'take over' anywhere - and it's just a media construct to sell papers, and let people like 'Tommy Robinson' make money stirring up animosity and causing trouble.

The Taliban came to prominence in 1994 - that's twenty-four years ago and counting, ISIS appeared in 2004, that's fourteen years and counting …

For a faith bent on world domination, they do seem to be rather dragging their feet - wouldn't you say?
Whatever, there is none so blind as those who will not see, or something like that.
They don't have the technical ability, thank God.
andy-hughes to SparklyKid , //They [Islam] have the numbers, far more than needed For a faith bent on world domination, they do seem to be rather dragging their feet - wouldn't you say? //

I can't decide whether you deliberately ignore what's gone before or simply don't understand it. I repeat Islam doesn't 'have the numbers', and time is not of the essence.
naomi - // I repeat Islam doesn't 'have the numbers', and time is not of the essence. //

Then what on earth is all the fuss about!!!!
SparklyKid - // Whatever, there is none so blind as those who will not see, or something like that. //

It's not 'something like that' - it's exactly that.

My point is that I cannot see something that is not actually there.
My point is that I cannot see something that is not actually there.

17:21 Thu 27th Sep 2018

I suggest you open your eyes then.
Going now, the "last word" game gets a tad boring.
Spicerack - // They don't have the technical ability, thank God. //

What 'technical ability' do you think they need?

Converting minds is about speaking to people - everyone has the ability to do that.

Look at the number of mosques there are in the world, and the number of devout Muslims who attend them every week - if there was a 'takeover' going on, would not those billions of Muslims be marching on the West to join their western brothers and sisters in the take-over of the free world?

But they're not - are they? Why not I wonder?

SparklyKid - // I suggest you open your eyes then. //

I think you are getting confused.

I don't see what you claim to see because my eyes are closed, they are not - I don't see it because it isn't there, a fine, but somewhat vital distinction in our viewpoints.
naomi - // Incidentally, vitriol does your argument - such as it is - no favours. It’s not smart – it’s puerile. //

My vitriol gives me great pleasure, I never tire of finding ways to belittle and insult 'Tommy Robinson', and if it doesn't impress you, I couldn't care less, you and I are never going to agree as long as the earth orbits the sun.
In a way you're right. They don't need weapons to take over the UK.
They've got people like you who'll just give it away....sausage by sausage.
andy-hughes, //Then what on earth is all the fuss about!!!!//

The fuss is about the creeping carbuncle that is becoming ever more evident within our society. Islam cannot conquer by warfare – and so it utilises stealth. Why do you think it regards westerners who insist that we tolerate the religion ‘as useful idiots’?
Jackdaw - // Remember the Shrewsbury Two (1971/2), one of whom was the actor who played Jim Royle? They were jailed for contempt, your description of Robinson applies equally to them, but of course they were hard left so the law did not really concern them. //

It does indeed - but I am unsure what your point is - ?

I did mention my belief in redemption -

""In 2008 Tomlinson donated £200,000 as patron of the Human Milk Bank of Cheshire and North Wales.[18] The charity provides babies on Special Care Baby Units with milk from donor mothers, significantly improving their chances of survival and long-term development. He said: "Due to my own recent experiences with my health, I know how much hospitals and appeals appreciate help and assistance. This is such an important service which can help so many families and I'm very honoured to be the patron."
In November 2010 it was reported that Tomlinson had donated £1 million to the Alder Hey Children's Hospital in Liverpool two years previously."

I don't see 'Tommy' parting with much of his ill-gotten gains - do you?
andy-hughes, //My vitriol gives me great pleasure, I never tire of finding ways to belittle and insult 'Tommy Robinson', and if it doesn't impress you, I couldn't care less, you and I are never going to agree as long as the earth orbits the sun. //

That says far more about you than it says about Tommy Robinson. You're belittling yourself.

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