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Gromit | 00:02 Thu 27th Sep 2018 | News
146 Answers
1. Back to prison for the same sentence
2. Back to prison for a shorter sentence
3. Back to prison for a longer sentence
4. Set free

Which will it be ?


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Then your speculation is worthless and unworthy of attention if you wish to delve into Fairy Tales with no facts to back you up.It does not appear to be speculation more like a prejudice
ladybirder - // Tommy Robinson is putting his life on the line. //

Are you for real?

'Tommy Robinson' is an attention seeking idiot who has deliberately got himself arrested in the interests of more publicity.

If he was really worried about 'Islamist revenge' in prison, he'd take greter care to stay out of it!
The only peoples' opinions you care about are as daft as your's. Those idiots aren't likely to disagree with you, are they?
Talbot - // I'm forever puzzled why some appear to show no interest or concern with the antics of predominantly Muslim Pakistani grooming gangs but are like a pit bull with a bone when it comes to Robinson. //

If you can point to an instance on a Muslim Grooming thread where I have shown no interest or concern, do put it up, so we can all see it.

Hint - don't waste your time looking.
retrocop - // Then your speculation is worthless and unworthy of attention if you wish to delve into Fairy Tales with no facts to back you up.It does not appear to be speculation more like a prejudice //

One man's fairy tale is another man's speculation.
Piffle, balderdash, folderol, obfuscation and the picking of nits.

All trademarks of a chattering class member and designed to make ordinary folk shrug and walk away shaking their head.
.//Talbot -The last couple of pages of the islamification of France post might make things more clearer to you.//

Nooooooo Talbot dont - - just dont go there. page after page of forgettable rubbish and yap by the usual suspects

The only thing worth quoting from that thread is "Yes indeed. "We can all read what's been written." "

I prefer - - - -'The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,Moves on:
nor all thy Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line

oh no! that was written by an Islamificator !

[ this is an attempt to life the thread out of the level of
//does "shut your mouth" apply ? //]
If you can point to an instance on a Muslim Grooming thread where I have shown no interest or concern, do put it up, so we can all see it.

Hint - don't waste your time looking.

I'm tempted to see what kind of linguistic acrobatics you would come up with to explain your absence...obviously you would open with the Arsene Wenger defense.
I dont think I NEED to understand half of what is written here
Andy have you watched either of the two links put up by Tambo and myself?
Talbot - // I'm tempted to see what kind of linguistic acrobatics you would come up with to explain your absence...obviously you would open with the Arsene Wenger defense. //

I have no idea what the 'Arsene Wenger defense' is - but rest assured, I know that if there has been a Grooming Gang thread, I will have contributed to it, and it won't be to try and defend them, I am entirely sure of that
Spicerack - // The only peoples' opinions you care about are as daft as your's. Those idiots aren't likely to disagree with you, are they? //

That's rather rude to the Silent Majority here on the AB - and they are definitely the majority!

I have four, maybe five regular detractors who make it their business to pick fights with me on a daily basis, and I think it's reasonable to assume that if the AB has, say, one hundred members, then I'm not going to worry that five per cent are annoyed by what I say, and make a big deal about it, because that means that ninety-five per cent have no issue at all, and I can happily live with that.
You can't assume that the 95% don't have an issue. Some of them probably do but cba.
For my own part, I try not to get into threads like this one that become like some repetitive bat and ball game between a few contributors.

I hope Tommy Robinson is dealt with fairly by the Court, I personally think jailing him for a longer sentence would do more harm than good.
I noticed at 2138, AH, how you very cunningly imply, don't really state, but, as I said, imply that 95% don't disagree with you.
sanmac - // I noticed at 2138, AH, how you very cunningly imply, don't really state, but, as I said, imply that 95% don't disagree with you. //

Good for you!
andy-hughes, your responses here could very well have come from a demented bat-wielding octopus. :o)
With dyslexia.
I'm going back to bigbecky. She talks far more sense than a-h.
Well, Jesus loves Tommy’s mum, anyway.

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