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// In the late '80s I found that I had, unwittingly, been heavily exposed to TB through my Bradford school.//

this happened to me: I caught TB off a vagabond, but I dont go around saying shoot all vagabonds....
I started feeling ill almost immediately - and was diagnosed with glandular fever - much more likely along with an odd blood picture which can be seen in GF + plus mild depression which is seen in both TB and GF
and then I got forcibly investigated after an outbreak of TB 20 y later - where surprisingly enough the haemophiliacs all got TB and none of the leukaemics. And people just shrugged their shoulders and said 'oh'

and they said - oh well you arent the index case so we wont lock you away ( hey fanx) but you deffo have had TB along with lung scarring. Do you remember when?

In 1953 when I had my vacco ( TB) 50% country school children reacted to bovine TB. So we all got BCG - which heavily modifies the course in anglo-saxons. Not so much Indians and not at all Native Indians.
so around 1970, the conversion rate was down to 2% so they stopped BCG and used Mantoux conversion for detecting cases. If you reacted then you had had contact with proper TB

The idea of politicising TB hadnt occurred to me - consumption and phthisis was such a trope of victorian novels ( Dombey and Son, Middlemarch, Christmas Carol) that I have never considered it brought in by those dirty forriners
oh and by the way - whoever above has hopelessly confused small pox and monkey pox er has hopelessly confused two different diseases.
mmm if there was an outbreak of constant flatulence mmm you would not get an appointment for err a doctor, so most likely to implode

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