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How sick can you get! A disgusting thing to do. Mindless morons!
05:26 Tue 06th Nov 2018
I tend to draw the line at the torture, execution and dismemberment of criminals when it comes to flammable japes.
Name and shame them. Display their photographs in the national press. Watch them crawl back under a rock.
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Theland I cannot believe you seriously wrote that!
Looking at the bit of phone video on the TV, at least one man is clearly identifiable, someone must have some decency at that 'party'.
So sad that anyone could consider this appropriate behaviour. It may not be a hate crime in the classic sense but it was an action fuelled by hate and total thoughtless cruelty. I don't even approve of burning Guy Fawkes so this is so upsetting.
I don't think there is a crime either. It might be morally reprehensible but I'm not convinced there is a crime - hate or otherwise. It is awful tho.
It's not a 'hate crime' as such......but it's a pretty hateful thing to have done.

Some folks have a real strange idea of what is amusing and what isn't.
It's appalling behaviour but getting more publicity than it deserves. Don't give the perpetrators what they want.
It never ceases to amaze me at how sick and disgusting people can be :-(
Morons .
Theland - // Yes really terrible.
But some people know no other way of protesting about illegal and even legal but swamping immigration, and lash out in any way they can, even if it is sick.
They don't have a voice! //

Do you seriously think this was done to give immigration protestors 'a voice'?


These people barely have the brain function to dress themselves in the mornings!

To attribute to them the ability to conceive of something like a protest is to assume that they have the cognisant capacity of any species above an amoeba.

They don't - you flatter them - please don't.
Do you have any suggestions as to what motives these persons have for perpetrating this abomination because I can think of an obvious one?
retrocop - // AH
Do you have any suggestions as to what motives these persons have for perpetrating this abomination because I can think of an obvious one? //


You think of the most appalling horrible dreadful thing - that reduces you to instant tears of rage and grief - and there will be someone out there who thinks it is hilariously funny, and will post it on social media to the amusement of other like-minded people.

There are simply no depths that some minds will not sink to in the idea of finding something funny.

That's just the human condition, and the best way to live with it, which we have to - is to look away and forget all about it as quickly as possible.
The only good thing coming from this thread is the unanimity of the condemnation from all here (okay, excepting one, but he’s definitely not all here).

rowanwitch - // So sad that anyone could consider this appropriate behaviour. //

As I said in my first post - to assume that these people consider anything is to endow them with a sense of thought and responsibility, and clearly they have neither.

Think of them as the human equivalent of wasps - they fly about, they sting people at random, we have no idea why they do it, neither do they.
I do see where The Land is coming from but in this case I think they are just pure scum. Probably short of a shilling too, certainly not right in the head in some shape or form.

Takes all sorts I suppose. Best ignored so they don't get the oxygen of publicity as I says.
YMB - // I do see where The Land is coming from … //

You have enviable eyesight then!!!
A storm of publicity is precisely why they've done it, it worked too.
‘Best ignored so they don't get the oxygen of publicity as I says‘

Says the person contributing to a thread on a public forum.

Mehhh urgh I are ard of finkin I arrr.
Seems to be so.

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