Up until the early 90s most areas had Special schools. In our area we had two.One dealt with children of all ages with physical needs such as Cerebral Palsy,Down's syndrome, Autism and other medical conditions.
The other school took children and young adults with learning difficulties, emotional and behavioural problems.Children who had suffered all kinds of problems and needed special care and individual treatment.
All the children at both schools were given the best possible care and attention. Specialist treatment ,transport to and from school and an education that catered for their individual needs.
Then somewhere along the way it was decided that Mainstream education was probably a better option for children with Special needs and a lot of the Special Schools closed. So now we are seeing some of the results from those decisions-- Classroom assistants are no longer employed in a lot of schools. It's too expensive. Teachers are having to manage large classes on their own. Not that they didn't back in my day. It was the norm to have as many as 32 or more in a class but there didn't seem to be as many unruly kids back then.Teachers had more control ..Pupils had respect for them. Now it only takes a couple of disruptive ones in a class for mayhem to break out. Some kids set out to make their teacher's life hell. There are increasing numbers of children these days with emotional problems .Isolation somehow doesn't seem right for every disruptive child but it is probably the best option at the present time.I don't really know the answer ,I wish I did.