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How Much Time Has Tommy Robinson Spent In Prison?

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sandyRoe | 08:34 Fri 23rd Nov 2018 | News
171 Answers
He's been appointed by UKIP as an advisor on 'grooming gangs and prisons'


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Robinson was jailed for assault in 2005, has convictions for drugs offences and public order offences, was jailed in 2012 for illegally entering the United States using a false passport and jailed again in 2014 for a £160,000 mortgage fraud.
According to Wikipedia
Robinson was jailed for assault in 2005, has convictions for drugs offences and public order offences, was jailed in 2012 for illegally entering the United States using a false passport and jailed again in 2014 for a £160,000 mortgage fraud.
Then there wa sthe prison sentence he recently successfully appealed.
The Wikepedia site goes on to give details of the sentences and perhaps how long he served if you want to trawl through it, sandy
Question Author
He's got form, then.
Though I'm not sure that, in itself, would qualify someone to advise on prisons
Well thats UKIP finished then. when will the Tories offer him a job as an advisor ?.
I think it's to advise regarding having segregation (muslims to be separated from non-Muslims) in prisons. Robinson claims he was sent to a predominanntly Muslim jail and that as a result he was in danger of being poisoned/attacked by Muslims
Good choice. He knows what he's talking about.
My inference (based on the first post) is that bsome people think that mortgage fraud (£160,000) is a more serious matter than "grooming gangs" (whatever they might be).
Regarding Muslim/mainly muslim/ mainly Pakistani grooming gangs, yes, he has a lot of knowledge and experience.
But regarding prison, there are many more people with mych more experience.
But of course he has been chosen to advise on that because of his views, particularly regarding Muslims, rather than his knowledge of prisons generally.
It's not often that jail sentences for drugs, public order, immigration/ identity fraud, mortgage fraud and contempt of court, can be an asset to your CV
v/e- the first post was an answer to the OP's question. The question didn't ask about grooming gangs, just his prison experience. It's others like you who like to keep grooming gangs on the agenda. Important 's netopic yes, but maybe start a thread on that if you think it hasn't been covered sufficiently before now
Is this what we want, extremism in politics? what the actual...
fiction-factory, //But regarding prison, there are many more people with mych more experience. //

But perhaps not with experience of being on the receiving end of the abuse that he encountered.

deserved **
fiction-factory to v_e. //It's others like you who like to keep grooming gangs on the agenda. //

Are you for real? Why would anyone want to forget grooming gangs?
A certain Mr Farage isn't too happy. In fact he's "appalled". BBC Radio 2 news.
Well if his role is to advise on abuse by Muslims or treatment of far right people in prisons then you are right Naomi.
If it is to advide on prisons generally then there are many other violent criminals with much more expereince that they could have chosen
spath, don't be ridiculous. Do you know what you're talking about?
I think TR is a bit bias
fiction-factory, his experience is relevant to the role.
and to extremism
I apologise for keeping grooming gangs "on the agenda", and understand how boring my insistence on mentioning it is to those who are insouciant about the occasional negarive aspects of multi-culturalism.

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