AOG - // andy-hughes
/// An experience of anything does not automatically qualify anyone to advise on it in any meaningful
way. ///
One of the most ridiculous statements I have ever seen.
What's the point in anyone studying to gain an experience in a particular subject, if later they can not advise on it? //
You don't 'study to gain an experience' - you can study to learn about a subject, or you can have an experience related to the subject, but they are not one and the same.
If I studied ophthalmology, I may (but it's not garmented) be qualified to advise on it.
That is study.
If I have been to the opticians to have glasses fitted, and I have, that is an experience, and does not qualify me to advise on anything, except my experience.
Tommy Robinson's being in prison (several times) makes him an ex-prisoner, it does not qualify him as an advisor, which was my point, and not at all ridiculous, I am sure you will agree now I have explained it.