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How Much Time Has Tommy Robinson Spent In Prison?

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sandyRoe | 09:34 Fri 23rd Nov 2018 | News
171 Answers
He's been appointed by UKIP as an advisor on 'grooming gangs and prisons'


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kval - // Xeno McXenophile? //


What about Abdul Mohamed Yobfoolmoron?
-- answer removed --
My inference is that some people think that mortgage fraud (£160,000) is a more serious [than something else]

he's welcome to your money - I suppose he will be allowed expenses - but not mine

and as for Tommy's expertise in grooming gangs - because I infer he was locked up with them
so - you have passed a stable so that makes you an expert on horses - does it?

( I am grateful to the Duke of wellington for that last gibe - when told he was Irish because he was born in Dublin)
// I believe his prison experience is extremely useful.//
so do I
have you met many ? ( ex cons) - one of the poster used to teach in a prison.
all the ex cons have no moral compass at all- that is how they survive in prison. None, nada, not there anymore .....
PP, he was locked
up with them?

Was he?

Go back to sleep.
kval - I think your gibe - a strictly leaver is better qualified to talk about brexit - is better than mine

flows more naturally - better expressed - zanier if I might say. more oudda vit than mine - titterful even ....
Ps. The poster you think used to teach in prisons ... didn’t.
//PP, he was locked up with them? //

er if you are in prison - you are locked up - no?

// go back to sleep ! //
ah to sleep, perchance to dream...
and hear something that makes sense.....
and if not then something from the usual suspects on AB
Keep taking the tablets, pp.
/you can have 'Tommy's advice, but you will have to pay for it!/

How does that work?
Not enough.
I preferred when he was a singer: ‘sing if you’re glad to be gay” and “2, 4, 6, 8, master race”
Khandro - // /you can have 'Tommy's advice, but you will have to pay for it!/

How does that work? //

It does appear that 'Tommy' is a bit of a cash hound - but of course, maybe he will give info for free - after all, his apparently ex-mouthy self-righteous yobby racist mates will disrupt your weekend by parading their virtuous 'defence' garbage and make lots of pointless noise and get in the way - entirely free of charge!
Calm down, Andy, and start again. ^ That paragraph/long sentence makes zero sense.

A person that has served time in prison is more qualified to advise on prison life than anyone who has never stepped foot in a prison.
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Have you heard of the fable of the blind men and the elephant?
Robinson isn't in any position to give a comprehensive assessment of the prison services.

Who said anything about a comprehensive assessment?
He's got you there, sandy.
I'd still like to hear the story. I've never heard that one.
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A consultant who doesn't know what he's talking about. Umm

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How Much Time Has Tommy Robinson Spent In Prison?

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