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How Much Time Has Tommy Robinson Spent In Prison?

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sandyRoe | 09:34 Fri 23rd Nov 2018 | News
171 Answers
He's been appointed by UKIP as an advisor on 'grooming gangs and prisons'


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Naomi - // Andy-hughes thinks Tommy Robinson’s exposure of grooming gangs has made no contribution to society, //

Please be kind enough to show where I have ever said that?
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Did he enjoy a marvellous scoop by breaking the story or was it a matter of using it as a platform for a bit of self aggrandizement?
sandyRoe - // Did he enjoy a marvellous scoop by breaking the story or was it a matter of using it as a platform for a bit of self aggrandizement? //

My perception of 'Tomy Robinson' is that his initial action in highlighting grooming gangs was motivated by a genuine and sincere sense of dreadful social inaction and the misery that it caused.

But I believe that since then, he has succomned to an unhealthy sense of self-aggrandaisement that has led him to assume an importance in society that he simply does not possess - including ongoing and increasing contempt for the law of the land.

Contrary to what Naomi has said, I have never ever said that his exposure of grooming gangs has made no contribution - I wouldn't say that, because it is not my view - but I do believe that his ongoing activities centre far more around his need for publicity and adoration, to say nothing of money, and that is why I take issue with him frequently.
No one will deny that bringing to light a gang of groomers is good. However, that does not give any right to the other offensive he has committed, nor to his attitude regarding certain religions, nore to his actions.

The man is an extremist. Double standards?? Seems so. Got one issue with one set of extremists but not the other? I wonder why.. To me it looks a it like racism.
Haha! Swift u-turn there, andy-hughes! So - contrary to the implication in your post at 17:24 Fri, you now concede that he does have something useful to contribute to society. Well done.
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Naomi, do you even have any idea of the offences Robinson has commuted?

False passport (in my opinion) being quite a serious one.. Especially given his motives / ambitions for immigration.

Maybe £160,000 fraud is a bit worse?

That does qualify him to be a politician though... To be fair to ya'll!

Maybe drugs offences and public order offences are enough to put you off... I know they'd put off TTT! The man hates drugs.

Maybe assaulting an off duty police officers is more reason for him to be in politics.

Cracking man! Great contribution to our society. What would we do without him ay!

(well for one, the ELD (mahoosive antagonist for hate crime) wouldn't be a stain on the shores of this country)
I forgot.. even after all his criminal convictions, he still never was arrested or prosecuted for setting up one of the biggest extremist hate groups in our country.
spath, //Great contribution to our society. What would we do without him ay! //

Absolutely a great contribution to our society. He tells it as it is. What would we do without him? Ask the young victims of the grooming gangs who were ignored for years by the authorities. Good to see you have your priorities in order, Spath.
Well if someone thinks a fraudulent drug user who attacks police officers and starts extremist groups is a "Great contribution to our society" then their political opinions are very much moot.
So speaks the chap who thinks drug dealing is a legitimate business. Go and have a little think spath, or better still, a big think.
"So speaks the chap who thinks drug dealing is a legitimate business."

I have never claimed that, ever. If you can find proof to contrary that, then be my guest. However.. even still... explain pharmacists.

Its nice to see a lady of your calibre stoop to such pathetic levels to try and demean other users from their debate.
spath, This is where you defended drug dealers - and met with a plethora of opposition.

Your usual diversionary tactic doesn't wash.
So defending dealers and "thinks drug dealing is a legitimate business." is one and the same? Right Oh! I now see why your opinions on TR are so warped.

your perceptions on my words may not be how my words are meant.

Again, explain pharmacists?

One is working for a legal evil corporation that likes to keep patience coming back for more, you know, if you help a patient and they bogged off, that's no gud!!! and the other is working for them self, helping peoples ailments or mental issues how the user sees fit.
"Your usual diversionary tactic doesn't wash."
How hypocritical. I've kept it about the subject at hand until 11:55 until i had to respond to your diversionary tactic.
Take a breath, spath, read your last sentence .... and have a think.
Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.
Very profound....
Naomi - // Haha! Swift u-turn there, andy-hughes! So - contrary to the implication in your post at 17:24 Fri, you now concede that he does have something useful to contribute to society. //

In my post at 17:24 on Friday, I said that 'Tommy loves to believe that he has something useful to contribute to society … ' which he clearly does. I did not say I agreed or disagreed with his opinion of himself, so your supposed 'implication;' is something you have simply surmised to allow you to have a dig. Your 'surmising' is wrong - again.

// Well done. //

Aww, I've got a real warm fuzzy glow now - your approval is so important to me as you know.
Naomi - // He tells it as it is. //

That is actually short-hand for - He's got a big mouth and and over-inlfated sense of self-importance.

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