I spoke about this with the present Mrs Hughes, who has extensive experience of working in Abu Dhabi, and she said that any British visitor needs to be aware before they travel, that the Arab culture is very VERY different from our own, and you have to tread carefully because its really easy to cause deep offence in entire ignorance.
That said, she also pointed out that very soon after being in the area, you learn how twitchy the Arab people are around Westerners, and suspicion is a standard reaction, so it's wise not to do anything that could even loosely be interpreted as trying to examine their culture too closely.
If my wife, as a Schools Inspector, has understood those simple rules, why has someone raised there not understood them better than he clearly did?
Either this gentleman was a spy and was caught, and is extremely lucky to enjoy the largesse of the government, or he is a naïve idiot who has found out what hubris means, and is even luckier still.