God, how much longer are you going to go on about frozen bleeding bread?
“It would still take a while longer, as dough isn't that conductive, so if it's frozen the outside would be cooked before the middle is even defrosted. “
I don’t think that will come as a great surprise to them, spathi. They have people who know about these things, you know, and don’t rely on internet forums to become informed.
“Online shoppers are killing the high street, slowly but surely.”
Not so. Online shops are rescuing shoppers who cannot buy what they want in the High Street.
“Do you think it will see more business for the little shops on high streets, like butchers, bakers , green grocers?”
What butchers, bakers and greengrocers would they be then? My local High Street comprises (in descending order of numbers) estate agents, coffee shops, hairdressers, charity shops, fast food outlets and restaurants. Fine if you want a haircut followed by a cup of coffee afterwards and you can buy a house whilst you’re waiting for the bus back. We have a large “Tesco Extra” at one end which actually increased some of the footfall in the High Street as it provides three hours free parking. Prior to that you had to fanny about with pennies and halfpennies feeding a meter or the machine in the inadequate multi-storey. Few people bothered as it doubled the cost of their coffee.
Tesco’s lost its way a few years ago when they turned large swathes of their floorspace over to clothing and electrical goods. My local branch is probably 30-40% in that direction. Their deli counters have been in decline and instead they prefer to dedicate a big chunk of the counter to “pick and mix” olives and slurry and another chunk to a machine roasting chickens (which make the clothes on the adjacent racks smell quite revolting). Until they get back to basics they will not thrive.
Anyway, as Gulliver says, we’re all going to starve after March 29th anyway, so it makes little odds.