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Deskdiary | 19:07 Thu 11th Apr 2019 | News
327 Answers
For the first time in my life I've used LOL.

Come on....even the most achingly right-on amongst us on AB, and there's loads, must find this LOL. I more than LOL'd, I bloody roared with laughter. He was wearing an Ann Summers Mrs Clause outfit fer christ's sake.

What the hell is somebody who is clearly a bloke doing pouting like that?

Am I wrong to find this hilarious?



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It's also worth noting that it's quite easy to find women who have no problem at all with MTF transgender people asserting their identity.
spath, I have no idea what you're rambling on about but the bottom line is men aren't women and never will be.
Naomi i feel you're a selective reader. Good luck i'll leave you to it.

Evidently you can't understand my words.
Bye spath.
why people transitioning has anything to do with "Naomi's identity" i do not know.
Spath uses all the right words, not necessarily in the right order.
Dangerous game, identity politics. The transgenders now have it in for the transvestites. One day you're Top Trumps, the next persona non gratis.
The bottom line is that you're confusing sex and gender. There's ample research into the diversity of gender identity.
Just live and let live who cares what Dave identifies as, i mean really, all i can promise you is that is has nothing to do with me. I'll call dave she if she wishes me to.

The issue here is the form of disgust the nurse showed towards the transitioning person. That is not OK. All the nurse had to do was say ah, OK sorry madame.
Jim, men aren't women.
Sex and gender mean the same thing to me, never mind these silly ideas about millions of gender types. On the AB registration form under "gender" there are only two options.
physically or mentally, Naomi?
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Madame is the French equivalent of Mrs - it would have been rather presumptuous of the nurse to assume he was married. This would've probably upset him as well.
"Sex and gender mean the same thing to me, never mind these silly ideas about millions of gender types. On the AB registration form under "gender" there are only two options."

And where it said "Sex?" did you say "Yes please!"?
"Madame is the French equivalent of Mrs - it would have been rather presumptuous of the nurse to assume he was married. This would've probably upset him as well."

madame is just a formal term for woman or female.
The form does not say "sex" just a choice under gender, male or female. Seems straightforward enough.
I suspect that Mike Ashley, Mick Keane and Michael Gove share the same first name but they identify differently. I have the first name on my birth certificate and the completely different one by which I am known. I identify as male, but that doesn't mean I have to worry that male thieves make me a thief, or male Chelsea fans make me a Chelsea fan. As someone else has said, I can cope with people born female identifying as male. It is about feeling comfortable in knowing who I am.

The real issue here is surely the nurse's reaction. Whatever her specialism, it is almost inevitable that she will witness some challenging situations. If she is not able to react in a mature fashion to a disfiguring birthmark, a gruesome injury, a deformed physical characteristic, a person in significant psychiatric distress, what use is she to the medical profession and, more importantly, to those requiring her help?

Of course, none of us were there so we don't know if this was a genuine misunderstanding or an example of professional ineptitude. All we can say with certainty is that some people in this world are less accepting of others' individualities than they might be.
They were selling 'There Are More Than Two Genders' t-shirts on t'internet.
On the order form;
JF85, // All we can say with certainty is that some people in this world are less accepting of others' individualities than they might be. //

Do you think female athletes should be accepting of transgender people, against whom they haven't a hope in hell, competing against them?
You'll find yourself in enormous trouble, jf, comparing transgenders to ' a disfiguring birthmark, a gruesome injury, a deformed physical characteristic, a person in significant psychiatric distress,'
That's a different kettle of fish, Naomi.

The sports world should either be,

one team (for equality) - if thats the case no chane many females are going to be professional sports people.

two teams Male - female - regardless of actual gender, jsut how people identify.

OR, three teams Male - female- trans ?

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