Quizzes & Puzzles20 mins ago
How Much Do You Support The Eco-Warriors / Climate Protestors Currently Causing Havoc In London?
82 Answers
Personally, I think they're attention-seeking pains in the arias
Not one jot. They have nothing better to do that decide how we must all bow to their ideology so they can *** off. Climate change will be beaten by further technical advances not by forcing people to give up the odd carrier bag or eat tofu.
17:00 Mon 15th Apr 2019
Ah, here we go. Apparently a Citizen's Assembly is an established part of UK governance (of which I was completely ignorant) that parliament uses to discuss special issues - a bit like a giant focus group.
https:/ /www.pa rliamen t.uk/bu siness/ committ ees/com mittees -a-z/co mmons-s elect/h ousing- communi ties-an d-local -govern ment-co mmittee /citize ns-asse mbly-fa q-17-19 /
Apparently they've been used before to discuss social care and there was also one on Brexit.
They want one of those, but on climate change.
Apparently they've been used before to discuss social care and there was also one on Brexit.
They want one of those, but on climate change.
I support their general idea but find their tactics cowardly. They should be out there leaning into the major polluters like China, India, Russia and the USA. They know they would get short shrift there and do it here as its convenient and no real punishment will be meted out. Why disadvantage people who are already, for the largest part, using public transport and recycling at home.
We all know there is an issue. Most don't seek to deny it. Realistically one can not overturn society overnight so must work towards a sustainable use of resources and pollution control at a suitable rate. No one needs reminding, let alone being interrupted from getting on with one one has to do in life.
It all seems most unnecessary and maybe more to do with being seen to be doing something (anything, even if unhelpful) in the erroneous belief theirs is the high moral ground and the rest of us are ignorant or bad. This sort of thing is not without precedent.
It all seems most unnecessary and maybe more to do with being seen to be doing something (anything, even if unhelpful) in the erroneous belief theirs is the high moral ground and the rest of us are ignorant or bad. This sort of thing is not without precedent.
dannyk13. example of disruption to get something done, and I know that things are being done across the world, but not fast enough, the ice is disappearing as we speak, (very fast)) and joe bloggs is not taking any notice. People have been striking and causing disruption for years, and most times it works, and draws more attention to the problem, obviously there needs to be a time limit on the disruption.
teacake44, //joe bloggs is not taking any notice.//
What are you prepared to do? Are you prepared to give up your modern lifestyle? Your car, technology, and everything else that contributes tothe problem? I would hazard a guess that few of those eco warriors are prepared to do that – and neither are most of the rest of us. It’s all pie in the sky …. so to speak.
What are you prepared to do? Are you prepared to give up your modern lifestyle? Your car, technology, and everything else that contributes tothe problem? I would hazard a guess that few of those eco warriors are prepared to do that – and neither are most of the rest of us. It’s all pie in the sky …. so to speak.
https:/ /www.mi rror.co .uk/new s/uk-ne ws/more -200-cl imate-c hange-p roteste rs-1438 2615
Nearly 300 arrests and criminal damage caused plus the inconvenience caused to people attempting to go about their daily business! This mob surpass any thing that Yaxley-Lennon and his followers do..
//As well as pitching tents in the road and gluing themselves to the underside of vans in a bid to halt vehicles, the protesters are attempting to cause more than £6,000 of criminal damage so they can be tried by a jury in crown court.//
I am not sympathetic.
Nearly 300 arrests and criminal damage caused plus the inconvenience caused to people attempting to go about their daily business! This mob surpass any thing that Yaxley-Lennon and his followers do..
//As well as pitching tents in the road and gluing themselves to the underside of vans in a bid to halt vehicles, the protesters are attempting to cause more than £6,000 of criminal damage so they can be tried by a jury in crown court.//
I am not sympathetic.
//humans are not prepared to make any sacrifices for the betterment of our entire planet and eco system.
That's arrogance.//
Says spath who, day after day, sits at his computer on AB.
teacake44, I’m not an AB sheriff or a gunslinger. I simply find it ironic that someone says “Joe Bloggs is not taking any notice”, but nevertheless doesn’t abandon the things he apparently expects everyone else to abandon.
How come all these people are out on the streets anyway? Don’t any of them have a job to go to?
That's arrogance.//
Says spath who, day after day, sits at his computer on AB.
teacake44, I’m not an AB sheriff or a gunslinger. I simply find it ironic that someone says “Joe Bloggs is not taking any notice”, but nevertheless doesn’t abandon the things he apparently expects everyone else to abandon.
How come all these people are out on the streets anyway? Don’t any of them have a job to go to?
It's not really a problem that can be solved by individual people making sacrifices, laudible though they may be. The only realistic solution is widespread change in the structure of our economy.
Obviously, that's extremely difficult. But the simple fact is that we are going to have to make extreme changes in light of this problem (and the problem of automation) anyway. I'd suggest we're probably better off adapting sooner rather than later.
Obviously, that's extremely difficult. But the simple fact is that we are going to have to make extreme changes in light of this problem (and the problem of automation) anyway. I'd suggest we're probably better off adapting sooner rather than later.
It's really a question of when and how rather than if. Eventually, human societies will simply have to adapt to extreme climate change or they will collapse. It'd be nice to think we could make some progress on that before things become catastrophic, though. Certainly it seems to me like a perfectly reasonable thing to protest about.
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