//I'm, personally, more interested why someone with a degree in partical physics wants to be a copper.//
Simple Zacs,
I knew a PC who joined the Met and arrived at Harrow Road straight from university with a degree in Agricultural Science. He was fast tracked on to the Accelerated Promotion Scheme and before you could say hello,hello,hello he was whisked off to Bramshill Police College and about a year was back at a nick in the Met as a Police Inspector. Practical street duty policing knowledge ? Zilch. We often wondered why a degree in AS would be an asset to the Met but he probably earned a darn sight more as he was fast tracked up the ranks than a Agricultural scientist would.
Perhaps my younger son should sue the Met for discrimination.At the time he wanted to join he was also told that they were only accepting gay and ethnic recruits as they had H.O. targets to reach. :-( Likewise the LFB. He was told they only recruited white heterosexual men every two years whilst any one else could apply any time they liked.