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13 Candidates For Tory Leader...

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Gromit | 09:35 Mon 03rd Jun 2019 | News
42 Answers
MPs vote to eliminate 11 and the final two go to party members to decide the winner.

Boris is unliked by his fellow MPs sowill be eliminated.

I reckon Gove is a certainty and then McVey or Hunt.

Who are your predictions for the final two?



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There is only one that can save the Conservatives and out of the batch of faceless wonders, Boris is the man.
I'll wait until the deadline day for nominees to declare their interest, Gromit. There could be another 13 by the 10 June!
Anyone other than Gove.
The thing you have to remember about favourites is, they don't always win. Just ask Anthony Joshua. Gove's odds are shortening in places but I honestly believe that, as a staunch Brexiteer, Raab must stand a bit of a chance. And, @ 10/1 with Ladbrokes, it may not be the worst bet ever struck.
Don't discount Gove. He could do a good job.

I'm still waiting for Sir Graham Brady to declare, and hear what he stands for
Gove has been quoted as saying that we should not Brexit until the end of 2020.

Hey Gromit, there may still be time to join the party and have a vote on the final two
Why this obsession with Boris Johnson, though? A man who spent most of the first few months of this year laying into the Withdrawal Agreement as an utter disaster for the UK, before promptly voting for it.
Ken //The thing you have to remember about favourites is, they don't always win. Just ask Anthony Joshua..//

Many of these 13 are punching above their weight...

I can only predict that Gove will be one of the final two.Would be good to see him tangling with JC again at PMQ's!

interesting assessment from Adam Boulton here:
Gove has been my prediction all along even if not my personal choice.
It’s impossible to predict another: and I’ll be amazed if all 13 make it to the start line.
Does the large number of candidates indicate a vibrant and diverse party with lots of ability or the fact that it’s a party disintegrating.
Many are making such ridiculous gaffs already that there may only be Boris left after the first round.
Many, to their shame voted for May's anti-Brexit deal on that last push. Only they know what their ulterior motive was. I suspect they knew it'd fail anyway and thought a show of party unity had some value somehow. But the actual how & why escapes me. Powerful party officials having words in ears maybe ?
Just heard on Radio 2 that BoJo intends to cut taxes but increase spending on schools and police. Perhaps he has access to May's magic money tree?
I thought they'd spent it all on the DUP, Ken?

Maybe a few new green shoots are appearing.
If Gove wins the Tories are toast, probably forever.

Boris, though not my personal favourite, is liked by the grass roots and providing he sticks by his Brexit promise could hold the course.

But I suspect a Remoaner stich up on the way.

If your in the Tory Party at the moment it is like being tied to the mast of a sinking ship of fools.

with 13 of them they could use the hunger games method to select the winner.
I prefer McVey myself.

But for my money they need a committed brexiter. Another remoaner won't do
brave of you, ymb, expecting Bojo to stick by anything he's ever said.

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