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More Made Up Racism Where It Doesn’T Exist.

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webbo3 | 15:13 Tue 04th Jun 2019 | News
65 Answers

The M word when talking about banking.....Moths? Magazines, mail, Music........I’ve got it Money., are M People racist?


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spath, from the link. //the leaflet which says ‘Why don't we talk about the M word’ indicating money, with a black man, has been picked up by people in Bristol as a clumsy and an offensive play on the use of the ‘N word’.//

Nothing to do with monkeys.
I'm talking about how i personally saw the leaflet.
After that HnM tshirt, and all the recent palaver with connotations, this advert leaves too much to the imagination.

Poooooor taste.
I am mystified as to how anyone can see a racist angle in this advert.

Apart from the fact this is another in a series of adverts built around 'the 'M' word' - you'd have to be seriously looking for trouble if you think the general public will see an 'N' where an 'M' is printed.

As for the idea that a 'monkey' is being hinted at, that it something that escaped even Ms Raikes' fevered imagination - maybe someone should flag that up to her so she can get even more upset about something else that doesn't exist outside her strangely twisted view of the world.
Racism isn't created, it's recognised.. By those who aren't ignorant to certain aspects of it. It's recognised as not being OK.
spath - // Racism isn't created, it's recognised.. By those who aren't ignorant to certain aspects of it. It's recognised as not being OK. //

And your point is?
Question Author
//The M refers to monkey not ***//

//I'm talking about how i personally saw the leaflet.//

So you see black People as monkeys do you.?
No. But i'm not naive to the history they have being refereed to as monkeys.
AH to spath, //And your point is? //

I think his point is to confirm that some racism is made up. He certainly made up the bit about monkeys. ;o)
spathium - // No. But i'm not naive to the history they have being refereed to as monkeys. //

You cannot be 'naïve' to history - it's an adjective, but since no-one is actually referring to monkeys in this advert, I remain unsure what your point is.
naomi - // AH to spath, //And your point is? //

I think his point is to confirm that some racism is made up. He certainly made up the bit about monkeys. ;o) //

Given spath's post following yours, you may indeed be correct, but i do believe in letting people have the benefit of the doubt, so I am interested in a response from spath here.
M people should search for the hero inside themselves for the answer
What ! I just cannot see it .
AH at 17:11, ooops! Sorry I spoke. I hope the answer you seek is forthcoming.
Naomi - // AH at 17:11, ooops! Sorry I spoke. I hope the answer you seek is forthcoming. //

If I came across as abrupt, it was not my intention - apologies.
Well the fact discussing this (for me) made me connote M with monkey is yet another issue with this ‘advertisement’
^^^If you made the connection of a monkey because of the use of the 'M' word with a black man, I'm reasonably confident you are in a minority of one. I have never seen a black man and thought 'monkey'. Frankly, if you do, then it suggests to me you may have a bit of an issue.
spath - // Well the fact discussing this (for me) made me connote M with monkey is yet another issue with this ‘advertisement’ //

This particular advert is part of an on-going campaign - I and probably a large number of others, have seen other ads in the campaign and simply thought "Another bank ad using the phrase 'M' to advise us that we don't talk about money.

But even if I had not seen another ad in the campaign, I cannot imagine even remotely making a connection between a black man and a monkey, and I have to agree with deskdiary here - if that's a connection you make in your mind, maybe you need to re-think how you view people of colour in adverts - or maybe just in general.
/// I'm talking about how i personally saw the leaflet. ///

Obviously you and this stupid woman have the same view on this matter?

Pathetic , it is people like you who incites racism, people are getting fed up of what they can or cannot say, what they can or cannot include in their films TV programmes and TV adverts.

Why for instance have we to always include the obligatory black person when this is a predominantly white country?

If it is all down to diversity, why are the Indians the Chinese or any other of our ethnic minorities not treated the same?

/// No. But i'm not naive to the history they have being refereed to as monkeys. ///

Oh!!! you little monkey, spath. :0)

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