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Moral Damage?

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ToraToraTora | 14:22 Thu 04th Jul 2019 | News
8 Answers
Can this career blaggard possibly suffer moral Damage? 60 Kettles? where did they come from?


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60 watches? Moral Damage?

Maybe he needs them all to turn back so much time and do quite a lot differently....
Apart from his knee replacement it would appear he has a dodgy ticker or 60
His collection was more than that, FIFA have already handed a large number back.
The Swiss are intent on good time keeping ;-)
No-one ever sees themselves as a 'bad person', even if the evidence to the contrary is as high as Everest.

Most dispassionate observers would ponder whether Mr Blatter has a sense of morality to be damaged in the first place.
Can't see how someone without morals can suffer moral damage.
Ironic as he should be doing time IMO.
I know innocent until proven guilty... like we're supposed to believe Septic Bladder has any morals.
Strange how scum always surfaces.

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Moral Damage?

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