Just so you know, this apparently happened on the pool deck. The windows up there are not like a house window. They are about 3 foot square and slide sideways. I think it might be conceivable that grandad slipped against the edge of the window, sliding it open and somehow the toddler went out through it...just trying to work out circumstances.
If you look on post 43 of this link (where it has been widely dicussed) you can see the sliding window in the background.
There's no information in the original link that would enable anyone to make a sensible comment. People, please get a life. Don't pontificate on nothingness.
Puerto Rico police claimed the child was held out of the window - it's mentioned some way down the article, so the Mail haven't entirely made it up. US police dispute the claim, however. So it's probably too early to get the knives out for grandpa.