Zacs - // War and Child abuse are clearly wrong - the whole of mankind agrees. The difference with racism is it's aimed at a faction of mankind and only they can truly say whether it's offensive to them (i.e. racist).
I trust you can see the subtle but important difference. //
Actually, no, I can't.
You appear to be saying that because child abuse and war are world-wide atrocities, and racism is, quote " … aimed at a faction of mankind and only they can truly say whether it's offensive to them (i.e. racist).// - it matters less, when clearly, it doesn't.
The linking fact between War, Child Abuse and Racsism is that all three are abstract concepts as well as realities, and as abstract concepts, uninvolved individuals are able to form and express opinions, as we do on here.
If such concepts could only be decided, formulated, and resisted by those involved, the world would never evolve, since the number of individuals affected by all three together are still a fraction of the world's population.
I am white and British born, but I still know that racism is wrong and that my opinion is also a fact.