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The Luxembourg Pm

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Bobbisox1 | 18:41 Mon 16th Sep 2019 | News
61 Answers
Sounding very like Herr Flick from 'Ello ''Ello



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Thanks NJ
// Over my head Gromit ( thankfully) //

So great we can end on something we call all agree on.
Keep up the good work.
Please don’t tell me this is all Johnson has come away with today: the news that the Pope’s a Catholic and the bears in the woods won’t hold it in till they get home :
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Good job I don't take the jibes seriously :0), Brexits bringing out the worst in folk on AB too
//Good job I don't take the jibes seriously :0), Brexits bringing out the worst in folk on AB too//

Present company excluded Bobbi, but I find it tends to be the Leavers who are the main culprits there. There does seem to an air of superiority from certain group members. Although it's far from a Brexiteer only issue.
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I'm a leaver Mozz but I've no problem with the 'stayers' either,I respect the way they voted and would expect those to respect my decision but it's definitely bringing the worst out in people
I know Bobbi, and I've never seen you hurl insults. Stand up for yourself, yes, but that's to be commended. Others can't seem to help themselves.

Meh, flag waving idiots on both sides. I'll be glad when its over.
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Thanks Mozz, yes it'll be better when it's finished with but then what will we be talking about then ?
Why is my weekly shop so expensive? ;-)
The more I see and hear of Boris the more I warm to him. To me he is Thatcher in trousers. More power to his elbow.
//To me he is Thatcher in trousers. //

Maggie wouldn't have backed out of that press conference. She had more balls than the entire house of commons combined.
Mozz is right there. She would have heckled them ........then the Beep Beep See would have called her a thug.
The Luxembourg PM was asked if the press conference could be moved inside to prevent the rowdy hecklers from stealing the headlines, he refused, so good on ya Boris, don't take any shhh, you know what!!!
Precisely! This was an attempt to humiliate him and he was having none of it.
Still say he took the wrong option JD. The no show looks like cowardice. He should have gone out there and told them to pipe down.
They would have taken no notice and he'd have looked ineffectual.

As it is one could not win, and best just note how the Luxembourg government treats visiting UK ministers, for future reference.
21.07 Boris is Thatcher in Trousers. Can't wait for him reach adulthood and start wearing long ones.
The Luxembourg PM's tirade against Brexit made me even more convinced that it is the right course to take.
johnson would have been booed down, any speech would have looked ridiculous and played into the hands of remainers, and would have ben shown round the world, oh look at the uk pm being humiliated...oh dear, whats britain coming too.

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