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Natural Selection?

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ToraToraTora | 14:36 Wed 16th Oct 2019 | News
51 Answers
How clear do the signs need to be? "CAUTION: do not lean out of window when train is moving" - not clear enough it seems.


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Everything's black and white in Toraworld, Ken.
Two years ago a chap met a similar fate whilst travelling on the Gatwick Express. A couple of months ago the train operator was fined £1m.

It is identical to the case cited here. A court ruled it was the operator's fault for not making clear that leaning from a moving train window can result in decapitation. There is, however, slightly more to this story. The gentleman in question was a lifelong rail enthusiast who was working in the industry at the time of his death. He was also a volunteer on a Heritage Steam Railway (of which I am a Life member). With or without warning stickers he should have been aware of the danger. But there is more to come. The Ofiice of Rail and Road's Director of safety Ian Prosser, who is also HM Chief Inspector of Railways, said he had written "to operators instructing them to take immediate action to prevent a similar tragedy happening again". This has serious consequences for Heritage Railways. Almost all of their rolling stock is fitted with the type of "droplight" opening windows featured in the tragedy. They face either retaining them and providing out of character stickers (still running the risk that one of their passengers' idiocy will see them face a crippling law suit) or locking them out of use or providing protective bars. Such railways go to great lengths to achieve authenticity for the periods they represent and a number of them provide period filming facilities. Modifying their stock will cause ridicule when, say, Hercules Poirot and Captain Hastings are seen in a train with metal bars across its windows. And all because a small number of people seem not to retain the sense they were born with.
I have come to the conclusion that we have become a nation where the common sense gene has disappeared. Do we really have to have every risk explained to us, can we no longer work it, and seemingly everything else, out for ourselves? I have just come across a website that explains, and it includes pictures, how to close a door quietly in eleven stages. Are we that stupid?
I don't think it's stupidity at all. I think it's very reasonable to assume that if windows then there are no life / injury threatening hazards associated with this. The £1m fine and ruling which NJ mentions would suggest that the judiciary agree.
sorry. should read

if windows OPEN.....
People do stupid things....easy to say with hindsight.
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ZM: "I think it's very reasonable to assume that if windows then there are no life / injury threatening hazards " by that logic the presence of anything implies it's safe.
Caution: Heat increases as you get closer to the fire, do not put any body part into the flames.
//I have come to the conclusion that we have become a nation where the common sense gene has disappeared. //

I agree. The sign was clear.
//The sign was clear.//

And even if it wasn't, a 28 year old woman should have the intelligence to realise that if you stick your head out of the window of a moving train you may sustain some injuries.
I'm not sure being killed by a train is "natural" anything. She must have realised there was some risk, but we have all got so used to being nannied now, that people usually aren't expected to think any further for themselves.
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She did a really stupid thing with dire consequences. I can't see that anything in this tragedy is remotely amusing.

Sickening post.
She’d had a bit to drink and wanted to feel the wind on her face. Poor girl, poor parents.
It doesn't mention drink in the link,do you know different?
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Someone had to nudge me once while I was about to open one of those old-fashioned doors to remind me I needed to get out on the platform side of the train not the track side.
It’s easy to do daft things. Very sad when a death occurs because of them.
‘by that logic the presence of anything implies it's safe‘

No it doesn’t. It’s reasonable to assume that the companies operating high speed potentially dangerous modes of transport and the people looking after their infrastructure have taken every reasonable step possible to ensure the fee paying public’s safety. The presence of trees which hadn’t been inspected / cut back for 10 years and an inadequate sign falls far short of those responsibilities.

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