No, in 2192 the world will have no interest in British traditions. Mind you, Britain will still be commemorating/celebrating events in WW2, WW1 and all battles/wars going back centuries and in their minds still fighting at least one of them.
The reason i posted a response to 'Bednobs' post was because i thought it a tad curt. We cannot read every post on every thread - and why would we want to - so if some are duplicated, so what? The link Bednobs gave was to Horseshoe's post in which she makes it appear the message was hers. Whereas i had the courtesy to quote the source. Which, imho, is always the right and proper thing to do.
Cheers Ken, no you can’t be expected to read every post on here, I don’t spend all my waking moments looking so if I do happened to duplicate it’s because I hadn’t seen the original
davebro, yes and a couple of decades before it did the UK was bailed out by the EU and the coast of that and severe indigestion with the UK back on board caused its demise ;)