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More 'transgender' Nonsense?

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Deskdiary | 20:14 Fri 25th Oct 2019 | News
106 Answers
I hate to break it to you 'Mr' McConnell, but men cannot give birth. They just can't. And no amount of legislation or reassignment surgery will EVER change that basic fact. What has, in fact happened, is a woman masquerading as a man has given birth. Women give birth and men do not, because they cannot.

Am I alone in thinking this is nuts?

Monty Python were truly prophetic in their sketch!



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The nonsense begins here: //He was able to get pregnant but was legally a man when the child was born.// It was perpetuated when “his” brief said she was disappointed with the original ruling (when Sir Andrew MacFarlane ruled that people who give birth are mothers, regardless of their gender). It was continued when a High Court judge ruled that he had an...
21:26 Fri 25th Oct 2019
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"Can someone remind me what TG Cobra means again?"

Ummm was being deliberately/wilfully obtuse.

It is quite obvious TTT means Cobblers.
DD - I don't actually disagree with you. Men can't give birth. If a woman decides she's going to become a man I have no problem calling them 'he'

I've never met a trans person and the chances are I never will but I bet this child was more wanted than half the kids born.
Plenty of people are brought up brilliantly by single parents. I was myself from the age of 11 - mind you the lack of a father around and the effect it had on my mother did not make for happy teens. I have no issue with him being a single parent. I have an issue with denying this child of ever having a mother- ever. If it's going to be solved by discussing the truth at home in nice chats then why bother in the first place?
DD - why can't he just type that then?
// are denying this child of ever being able to connect with a mother, have a mother, know who their mother is if this person has their way with all your blessings. Quite odd.//

Quite so, Prudie. Couldn't agree more - except that it's not "quite odd." It's extremely odd and very disturbing. It has strong echoes of "The Emperor's New Clothes". Many people seem wary of saying it's utter nonsense. I'm not.
It's an aside but I had no idea what TG Cobras was either.
//A simple explanation when the child is old enough that the legal documents see it differently will hopefully suffice.//

The parent has a problem, one that no child should be ever be burdened with.

//theoretically a man has given birth.//

No. Women give birth and no amount of surgery, hormone treatment – or even wishful thinking will change that.
Prudie - do you not think that transgenders looked at the adoption route? They make it so hard.
He/She/It is a nut job and should not be trusted with a child.
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"Theoretically a man has given birth"

I really struggled with that Naomi. I don't think I've ever read such total nonsense in 6 words ever.

I don't think it was meant like that to be fair.
Nor me. Utter tripe.
I don't criticise the transgender bit or denying the chance to be a parent by whatever means but I do criticise putting father not mother on the birth certificate - which is what I understood this case to be all about.
This person gave birth to this baby - that makes them a mother and no amount of pandering will ever change that.
How many times has anyone really studied their BC? My dad could be God for all I know...
They lost me at "Transgender man".

Even before we get into the childbirth thing, what does that actually mean?
I know who's named as my father on my birth certificate.... my mother too. No confusion there.
Ludwig, it means a woman pretending to be a man.
I think you'll find birth certificates are asked for all through life at various times. On a wider scale pretty much every human being wants to know who their mother is. This child apparently won't have one.
^^^ in theory but not in practice perhaps that explains what I put .
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Wow - careful Naomi.

Not only are we meant to believe in this nonsense, we're meant to respect it. Worse, were told to believe it and respect it.

Personally, I can't. I just can't.

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