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Would You Trust Corbyn With Business?

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naomi24 | 10:32 Mon 25th Nov 2019 | News
89 Answers
With the benefit of his father’s ‘business expertise’, Jeremy Corbyn’s son, Tommy, set up a business which has gone into liquidation with debts of £100,000 - before even being launched. Jeremy may yet, as the article suggests, come up with a cunning plan to rescue the disastrous enterprise. Nationalisation.

Well, it’s a thought. ;o)


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I know, Danny... I was only referring to one particular poster x
Thank you, ttt. Appreciated xx
When you say that "they" are all one and the same you are correct. They are clones of all the brainwashed and narrow of rationality marxists. If there is an opposite to schadenfreude then they possess it. They do indeed feel pain from the perceived joy of others. With that condition comes the politics of envy and vicious, splenetic, zealotry.
I'm sure that a moderator will have his beady eye on him/her.
Oh well. Thank you very much for trying, ttt xx I hope everyone is just extra careful now xx
TheDevil is spath, I'm sure !
I kind of am... but now very dishonest and deceitful... still will wait and see...
Nellie May is Theresa in disguise.
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Gulliver, you made that comment elsewhere today and it was removed by the Ed. Why are you doing it again?

Can we get back to the thread please?

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Would You Trust Corbyn With Business?

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