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Racist Boris.

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gulliver1 | 09:41 Wed 27th Nov 2019 | News
63 Answers
Did Boris Ever Apologise for his DegaTORY and Racist remark .
"Women who wear the Muslim Niqab look like letter boxes and Bank Robbers?.


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he did apologise, i heard him say so, what else do you want, blood?
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Can you be racist against clothes?
ummmm, some see racism in everything - and if it's not there they'll find it. ;o)
Ummm - "Can you be racist against clothes?"

Racist? Not sure. You can certainly discriminate, because clothes represent those wearing them. If what you're saying is discriminatory in respect of the protected characteristics then what you're saying may be construed as racism.
An independent panel investigated the former foreign secretary’s comments.
I'm as offended by the burka as I am about man buns. I don't like it...
Neither do I.
"Zebo, i think you meant to say "knickers in a twist". Was it a senior moment? Lol " - I think the phrase you are looking for is "Alans in a Brahms!!
There's a world of difference in the man on the Clapham omnibus not liking 'things' (man buns, burkas, etc etc) and a senior politician saying it on a media platform.
Everyone is allowed an opinion. Saying it in a scenario where someone may be offended is way beyond that.
wait till he gets grilled by Andrew Neil, i think that might be on tonight...
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Danny - yes it was a so-called "independent" panel who judged him vis-a vis the Tory Party's rules. Not quite the same thing as you're trying to imply.
//Naomi Ellenbogen QC, found that while his use of language in the column could be considered “provocative”, it would be “unwise to censor excessively the language of party representatives or the use of satire to emphasise a viewpoint, particularly a viewpoint that is not subject to criticism”.//
A QC's opinion works for me.
Danny - why do you always miss the point? Can't you just man-up and say that Boris's comments were totally out of order and racist to boot?
Diddly, they were perhaps misguided, but not racist.
I've pointed out many times before. You can have an opinion on whether remarks are racist, but only the people who the remarks were directed to can say whether they found them so, and they therefore truly were.
ZM then let us say that they were not intended as such.
I can't argue with that.
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13.41 , Danny says " Diddly they were perhaps misguided, but not racist "
Boris said "Women who wear the Niqab look like letter boxes and bank robbers" . Oh yes misguided . When were you radicalised Danny ?.

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Racist Boris.

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