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London Bridge Attack

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diddlydo | 22:13 Sun 01st Dec 2019 | News
124 Answers
Let us all hope and pray that the horrific attacks at London Bridge do not become Boris's equivalent of Thatcher's "Falklands factor".


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It is Toorak :-(
Ha ha! Vote boris, gromit. ;o)
// Vote boris, gromit //

I was less than encouraged by Boris’ dire performance on Marr this morning. A perfect portrait of a politician denying any responsibility for the actions of a party he has been a member of for 25 years, as MP, Mayor, MP again, Cabinet Minister and Prime Minister. But apparently it had nothing to do with him that hundreds of terrorists had be let out on the streets early.
if he is able to get the laws changed on terrorists being released early then that's got to be a positive thing surely. whoever was at fault can now have the chance to put it right. Corbyn won't do it.
Odd isn’t it. Many people, including politicians, are so supportive of the 'misunderstood' Religion of Peace until something like this happens - and then they all blink in confusion like rabbits caught in headlights.
They never learn:

// When a bomb partially exploded on the London Tube at Parsons Green in 2017, the attacker was found to be Ahmed Hassan, an 18-year-old Iraqi who had arrived in the UK two years before as a child asylum seeker. He told immigration officials processing his asylum application that he had been groomed by Isis and “trained to kill”, so he was referred to his local Prevent team in Surrey, which neighbours Kent.

However, his case was mismanaged and the resulting attack sparked scathing criticism from parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee, which said the failure to contain Hassan exposed “deep-rooted issues” in the management of Prevent. //

The Government is currently undertaking a review of ‘Prevent’. Let’s hope they scrap it as not fit for purpose.

They won't 'prevent' it - ever. The psychology behind Islam doesn't allow for that. Islam doesn't - and cannot - compromise.
Maybe Islam doesn't compromise but human beings can.
ummmm, life for Islamists IS Islam. That's it. There is no compromise.
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There is no callous disregard for the tragedy on London Bridge from me. It is time for Boris to hang his head in shame for ignoring pleas from the victims'families.
I just think it's rather honourable that a born and bread English terrorist tried to harm a load of the public, and a polish man along with other immigrants risked their lives to protect the rest of the public and tackle the terrorist.
gromit: "If you let out hundreds of convicted terrorists for the next 10 years, it must mean you are not just OK with the law, but that you actively support it, by Complying with that (Labour) legislation with such enthusiasm." - rubbish, no government takes power with the sole aim of reversing everything the previous one did. A few flagship things yes but until the other day most had never heard of Labour's anti release law. There are thousands of things that must have been enacted by the opposition at any one time. The Government of the day tend to spend the time enacting their own ideas rather than randomly repealing those that went before.
I freely admit after the Tories had humiliatingly lost the Falklands, they were were not not worth winning back. Not one British sailors life was worth it." - gawd your left wing spin is quite breath taking. The Tories did not lose the Falklands they were invaded by a Junta whilst on the watch of TGL, thank god it was on her watch, I can just imagine the Labour hand wringing.
"We should have just nuked Buenos Aires and called it quits. " - now who's an extremist!
"Labour's anti release law" - should be "Labour's automatic release law"
Where the perpetrator was born and bred is irrelevant. Islam is one It doesn’t recognise nationalities or borders.

Diddly, they’re all playing the blame game - but more worryingly Corbyn says that convicted terrorists need not necessarily serve their full sentence.
all the more reason not to vote for Labour.
"Where the perpetrator was born and bred is irrelevant."

No it's not. It's very relevant, especially if nasty people try to use this as any kind of support for immigration policy's or to condemn the labour party.
Yes - it is. Wherever the perpetrator was born, or bred, or converted, the doctrine is universal.
Naomi24, you're wrong. Try and accept that for once instead of arguing a opinion. Where the terrorist was born and bread is of course of importance.

If people are becoming terrorists in our own country, then we should know about this, and we need to know as much information as possible to put a stop to it.

Also, it's important to know where he is from, so people don't use this incident to fuel their racist political agendas.
to make this country into an Islamic state, is that what you mean?
that was to Naomi...

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