gromit: "If you let out hundreds of convicted terrorists for the next 10 years, it must mean you are not just OK with the law, but that you actively support it, by Complying with that (Labour) legislation with such enthusiasm." - rubbish, no government takes power with the sole aim of reversing everything the previous one did. A few flagship things yes but until the other day most had never heard of Labour's anti release law. There are thousands of things that must have been enacted by the opposition at any one time. The Government of the day tend to spend the time enacting their own ideas rather than randomly repealing those that went before.
I freely admit after the Tories had humiliatingly lost the Falklands, they were were not not worth winning back. Not one British sailors life was worth it." - gawd your left wing spin is quite breath taking. The Tories did not lose the Falklands they were invaded by a Junta whilst on the watch of TGL, thank god it was on her watch, I can just imagine the Labour hand wringing.
"We should have just nuked Buenos Aires and called it quits. " - now who's an extremist!