The NHS is a leviathan too big for its intended purpose.
So big it is unable to be sustained by our measly NI contributions that’s for sure. And as has been pointed out already parts of the NHS are in or outsourced to private firms. GP services, dental services, some NHS surgical procedures are carried out by private surgeons at private hospitals, you can even go to foreign countries for treatment on the NHS. Catering, cleaning and the list goes on.
I always remember a programme on TV a decade or so ago about some top notch businessman Harvey someone, who was going to update and improve just one ward in a hospital. He gave up in the end because it was jut too unwieldy and incapable of change. That was a decade or so ago and things have not improved. In fact I would wager they have got worse.
The NHS does not and should not get a blank cheque. It should be forced to use its money more wisely, reform and be fit for purpose. But in any case it a fact that we, the people want more and more from our NHS. And I have always believed that we should have some sort of private medical insurance for ‘lifestyle’ choice illnesses.
If you are into extreme sports, get insurance to cover injury or rescue etc). If you smoke, take drugs or drink (more than the recommended allowance) get insurance.
There is no accounting for becoming ill or an accident but when your choices put yourself or others in danger then you should pay for that.
This trend for being wedded to the NHS as something not to be touched or criticised is misguided and dare I say it dangerous. To carry on as we are will mean the demise of the NHS as we know it. Reform, regroup and make it fit for purpose and it could be with us for as long as we want or need it.