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Theland - // Andy - You know very well how often I am judged.
Doesn't bother me, it bores me. //

You keep telling yourself that ...
Have you thought Theland? Maybe your son just acts straighter around you, as he knows what you're like? I'm sure he dances with his partner all the time.
Theland - // Gness - Now that you have judged me and found me guilty, would you provide the evidence? //

I can smell burning martyr again …..
OMG, what’s this straight / gay
Humans !!!
Oh for goodness sake, are the evidence and that is shameful.
//Get with the programme, Khandro, or vote with the off button.//

I'll vote with the off button. This equates to paying obligatory lip service to the ever increasing demands of political correctness.
You know nothing of me or my son or our relationship.
He is gay, and we and his partner have had many a conversation as you can imagine, about what their lives are like and how they are received by wider society.
Andy, you are so far off the mark, and K won't respond to you any more, but you are completely ignorant and insulting, and hurl your words around as if you know something, which clearly you do not.
Still, if it makes you feel good . . . . .
Gness - So now I should hang my head in shame?
Are the rules made up by Irish Catholic priests?
Do you believe them?
I'm PC - 'Perfectly content' to accept that the world is full of different people.
If I watched the show, I'd judge the ice dancing on skill and artistry, nothing more.
Theland, you're right, I know nothing about your son's relationship, I was only raising the possibility, not making an accusation. Apologies if it came out that way.
Do cop on, Theland....I'm no more a Christian than you are.
Why is anyone talking about Christianity? As far a I can see no one has objected on religious grounds.
Mozz - No problem.
Naomi - It was brought up by Gness.
Gness - I would never judge you.
Oh ... right ....
Well someone posts something and then it wanders about. But you knew that before you posted didn't you, Naomi......your posts are so often a little prissy dig at a poster aren't they....x
Why not religion because there sure as hell has been a whole lotta sanctimonious pontificating going on.
Merry Christmas, gness.
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Listen-up, I & millions of other rational people, have no problem with men & men, or women & women dancing (or doing anything they like) together. I would have no objection to setting up a new form of ice-skating competition, 'male' or 'female' -only categories, but please don't let your virtue-signalling lead you to acceptance of the misguided path which leads to the absurdities of men claiming they are women entering women's sporting activities, because this is the end of women's athletics per se.

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