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Iran Admits Plane Shot Down Accidentally

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Mozz71 | 12:18 Sat 11th Jan 2020 | News
49 Answers
It's almost unprecedented for Iran to admit error like this. Are they honest in their apology or are the just trying to stop any repercussions?


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Togo - I don't believe that for a minute. There are always theories as to the reasons behind plane crashes.
Some times what you refuse to believe "for a minute" becomes something that you spend a lifetime trying to deny.
I`ve heard that sort of thing so many times before.
So, you float a bizarre theory, with nothing to back it up, and, effectively, claim it could be true because no one can prove otherwise?
There were three UK citizens on that flight and no Americans.
I remember when a civilian aircraft went into Kuwait just as the Gulf War started. After the event, there were so many stories about how the SAS had been on the aircraft and they all mysteriously disappeared just as the plane landed. All very mysterious but it simply didn't happen.
If these mysterious plotters were about to fly out of the Iran, why not just arrest them at the airport, with all the attendant publicity.
Rather than murder scores of your own citizens, and have to admit you messed up instead.
You’ll have to try harder than that :-)
//There was some confusion over the nationality of those killed with many holding dual citizenship.//

You bet there was.
Lots of people have duel citizenship. That's completely normal
//If these mysterious plotters were about to fly out of the Iran, why not just arrest them at the airport, with all the attendant publicity.//

I think that you may have to ask the mad mullahs that question. Perhaps the security team was "at prayer" as they boarded. Maybe the Russians didn't tell them until they were on the runway. I'm sure you can be inventive and think up a proxy reason for them that exonerates the action though.
Guided missile s in the hands of misguided wackjobs.
I think I know who the “wackjob” is here lol.
Let’s have a link to this madness.
Or did you dream it up?
//Lots of people have duel citizenship. That's completely normal//

Do they? Perhaps you have identified a problem that is easily solved. Maybe everyone of adult age should therefor be expected to declare their preferred Nationality and only be issued with passports and documents in that country. Wouldn't half save a lot of confusion don't you think? Plus it would make it harder for the dangerous nutters to move at will to murder and maim. (and to claim their undeserved benefits perhaps)
think there is evidence of at least 2 missiles being fired.
I`m glad that Iran has admitted their mistake. I have spent enough time in the Middle East over the years to have a bit of an idea how the Arab mind works. It's all about saving face, and I think we (in the aviation world) can just get on with flying where we want to fly (avoiding certain places though)
Togo, the flight of fancy you describe reminds me that there are reports of fake news and of social media funnelling those who feed on a particular flavour of the day toward specific fake news reports, you get what you want to hear. Isn't (western) technology wonderful ?
Noooo.. 2 mistakes then. Whooo'd a fort.
Seems Tehren airport is avoided

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237SJ, knowing how Arab minds work (assuming that is possible) will be of no help when exercising such skills on Iranians - they are not Arabs, or were you in some other Middle East ?
Karl - my mistake. Persians. Lovely people IME

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