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Too Much Time On Their Hands (Part 97)

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andy-hughes | 12:26 Fri 17th Jan 2020 | News
44 Answers

Why does this woman think that her lifestyle is so wonderful that she has to film it and share it with the world?

If it suits her, fine, but honestly, who else cares???????


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i'd rather stick pins in my eyes than follow this womans'ideals'
i do, it's a load of old carp, puts women back into the shadows, and that isn't where they belong...
I agree Andy. But, it does remind us that not all women are ardent feminists and today's feminists make lots of noise in the media, so why shouldn't she?
surely this is Stepford wives..
I suppose In should add that I do respect my OH or else we wouldn't be married, it's the submit bit that she's got all wrong, we share everything here from household chores like ironing to making meals, it's a 50/50 partnership and no man sould be treat as if the woman is pandering to his every need, likewise the reverse
Up to them though Bobbie, as long as they are happy and agreed on things. Some men are very submissive to their wives. It works both ways.
yes, I agree Apc, only not this one, haha
I would add that I don't fall into the submissive wife category in any way. We are both fiercely independent people. Neither of us would ever be controlled by the other.
same here with a shedload of respect thrown in the mix
You could say the same thing about anyone that films things and puts them on the internet. Why shouldn't they? You're not forced to watch it.
If one partner wants to control the other, then what he/she really wants is a slave, not a partner.
Times, and attitudes, have changed vastly since the 50's.If this lady is happy in what she is doing then good luck to her.
She is living in a 1950's sit com - which was never the real thing anyway. Taking away the domestic violence issues ( which are still prevalent today in these 'liberated' times) there were plenty of strong women that ran 1950's households and really did not submit to their husbands. Married Working Class women were given housekeeping money and basically had a very important job of making that stretch while the man went out and did the hard graft. Middle classes had the arduous job of keeping the maids busy and persuading their husbands they really did need that new dress. Obviously there were inequalities in the work place, but the OP is about 'stay at home Traditional Wives' and I think if there were more of those our children would have a better upbringing.
As she says, it's all about choices.

No one should be coerced into a lifestyle they don't want, decide within your partnership/marriage - even that may change along the way as circumstances alter.
Who else cares? You, enough to post about her ?
Andy I refuse to believe you are so naïve about social media to not realise that vlogs like hers create income, sometimes lots of income. That's why they do it.
//but the OP is about 'stay at home Traditional Wives' and I think if there were more of those our children would have a better upbringing.//

Absolutely agree.
//As she says, it's all about choices.

No one should be coerced into a lifestyle they don't want, decide within your partnership/marriage - even that may change along the way as circumstances alter. //

Exactly. Running a household is a fine occupation. The only issue with it is that you are financially dependent on your spouse, and therefore potentially trapped in a situation you can't easily get out of should you need to.

If it weren't for that lack of independence I'd have happily done it myself rather than commute to my dreary office job all these years and have to attend endless stupid meetings.

If you are forced to do it when you'd rather be working for someone else though, that's a whole different question.
Ludwig, many traditional stay at home wives had 'pin money' jobs from home -and I bet they rarely bought pins with the money ;-). There was no stigma/pressure to go out to work in those days -indeed the pressure was to stay at home and look after the children, which in my opinion, is one of the most important jobs in life. …...and much harder than going out to work and bunging them into childcare.
Seems odd to me, but if she is happy about it then fine.

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