I don't deny that there are some people so ideologically opposed to Trump that they'd use any excuse to try and impeach for that reason alone. What frustrates me the most about this discussion though is, I suppose, two things. First, the hypocrisy inherent in criticising Democrat actions whilst ignoring the same from Republicans, who have been just as open about their intention to ignore the oath they have taken to conduct the trial and their constitutional duty fairly, and to therefore acquit Trump with essentially the same reasoning that some Democrats would impeach. On that, at least, it takes both sides to undermine the entire point of impeachment, and that's something I hope you can acknowledge.
Also, while I'm thinking about it, it's important to acknowledge that Pelosi, whose decision it was to impeach, was resisting impeachment at the same time as many in her Party were desperately seeking it. Maybe she went too soon but it is worth remembering. The decision to impeach came based on a whistleblower's report, supported since by statements from various other officials. Ultimately only statements from Bolton, Pompeo, and other high-ranking officials would swing it in my mind. Meanwhile, you have to acknowledge that the whistleblower made their complaint based on non-partisan considerations -- that at least has nothing to do with TDS. There's no longer any real dispute over the timeline and the main facts, the question is more about the motivation.
The second frustration is that -- well, I'm sorry, but brainwashing applies both ways if it applies at all. The US in particular is so partisan. It's frankly shocking that the perception of the case is so stark that the question of impeachment almost perfectly splits down party lines not just in Congress but also among the public -- and arrogant in the extreme to claim that only one party is aware of the truth and the other must be ignorant, brainwashed sheep. Again, both sides are guilty of that attitude, so I'm not targeting you particularly, but if that's part of your argument then take it out and find a better one.
Finally, disliking Trump's character and disagreeing with some or most of his decisions is not synonymous with TDS. The way I evaluate Trump is inevitably coloured by my own politics and experiences, but that's not the same as TDS and it too has no place in this discussion.